The University celebrates the investiture ceremony of 140 PhDs from 23 countries
The President underlines the ethical and cooperative dimension of any university research

The University today celebrated the investiture ceremony of 140 researchers -from 23 countries and 15 Schools or centers of the institution- who have defended their doctoral thesis in the 2016-2017 academic year.
The event was attended by President, Alfonso Sánchez-Tabernero;Lourdes Flamarique, professor at School de Philosophy y Letras ; and the new Ph. Canon LawD., Bruceli Gordillo, who spoke on behalf of his class.
The President underlined the ethical dimension of the university research . "Publication in first quartile journals, the achievement of research projects and contracts, or the increase of our H factor should be consequences of a rigorous work , among other reasons; but they are neither an end in themselves, nor should they be achieved at any price," he stated.
He also referred to the cooperative dimension of all doctoral thesis , which is not limited to an "individual task": "Your research is also the fruit of a friendly partnership , offered by all the colleagues who have helped you, especially by your directors", he said.
For her part, Professor Lourdes Flamarique spoke about the chain of transmission and expansion of science in which the new doctors are already "enmeshed". "You are already fully part of a magisterial tradition in the search for truth, in the quest for the knowledge". In this sense, he pointed out that only he is capable of teaching adequately who does not possess knowledge as something passively received, but who has incorporated it into his own vitality as a stable habit.
Finally, Bruceli Gordillo said that during these years of research, the University has become the "academic home" of the newly appointed doctors, and "is part of our life, our progress and financial aid unconditional to achieve our personal goals. According to speech, this stage has served to learn that "happiness begins with giving something of ourselves, with sacrifice, not only for our own benefit but, above all, for the good of others and as our small contribution to the world of science and society in general".
The 140 thesis defended in the 2016-2017 academic year were made possible thanks to contributions from of the members of association de Amigos and institutions such as La Caixa Banking Foundation, Caja Navarra Foundation and the Banco Santander.
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