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Institute for Culture and Societyparticipation in activities at other centers and universities (May 2023)

ICS researchers and internal collaborators participated online and in person in activities organized by institutions in Austria, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Germany, Greece, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Spain, the United States and Uruguay.

02 | 06 | 2023

ATLANTES Global Observatory of Palliative Care

Carlos Centeno y Vilma Tripodoro attended the Summer School for the International Collaborative for the Best Care for the Dying Person organized by the high school Cudeca (programs of study and research in palliative care). There Centeno offered the discussion paper "Difficulties in Palliative Sedation" and Tripodoro "Gone with the pandemic 'Views of relatives and healthcare professionals on dying in loneliness. CO-LIVE Latin America Qualitative Study'". In addition, Tripodoro participated in two workshops called "Achieving excellence in best care for the dying person: International Collaborative Reference Centers" and "How to implement a care plan for best care for the dying person in your clinical environment". Centeno moderated the plenary session "Difficulties in Palliative Sedation" (Malaga, Spain, 18-20/05/2023).

José Pereira has given the lecture Palliative Care for Patients with Advanced Neurological Diseases: Clinical Approaches and Services Planning (Interative overviews and Case-Based Learning) during the congress Pallium LEAP Renal for Palliative Care Teams of the Associação Portuguesa de Cuidados Paliativos (APCP) (Porto, Portugal, 19/05/2023). 

He has also attended the Annual Advanced Learning in Palliative Medicine (ALPM) Conference organized by the Canadian Society of Palliative Care Physicians (CSPCP) where he presented the discussion paper "The Top Ten Papers of 2022 from the Canadian Palliative Care ECHO Journal Watch Program". (Calgary, Canada, 06/05/2023). 

In addition, he gave the session "Developing Palliative Care Services at Provincial Levels. Keynote presenter and facilitator" at the Provincial Territorial Advisory Group: Representatives of Canadian Provincial and Territorial Ministries of Health responsible for Palliative Care (Vancouver, Canada, 11/05/2023).

Public discourse 

Ruth Breeze has come to the Universidad Pablo de Olavide to give the session "Communicating sustainability in Airlines-a methodological framework and comparative study of low-cost and traditional Airlines" within the framework of the congress InTraCommerce (Text, Context and Interculturality in International Trade Communication) "Textos, contextos e interculturalidad en la comunicación para el comercio internacional". (Seville, Spain, 25-26/05/2023)

In addition, he has participated in the IV conference of Spanish for Specific Purposes organized by the Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration with the talk "Quantitative Approaches to the Analysis of Corporate Reports". (Vienna, Austria, 05-06/05/2023).

Eleonora Esposito has made a research stay at the Universidad de O'Higgins. In this period she presented the plenary "Ciberviolencia contra mujeres un fenómeno tecno-social" and collaborated in the roundtable entitled "development de las juventudes en el contexto educational actual: análisis desde un approach de género y diversidades". (Rancagua, Chile, 11-26/05/2023).

Evgeniya Gutova attended the seminar "Universals of grammatical coding: cognitive and evolutionary explanations" by Martin Haspelmath (Max Planck Institute) organized within the Master's Degree Theoretical and Experimental Linguistics at the Universidad País Vasco (Vitoria, Spain, 08-16/05/2023).

Pilar Gerns gave the talk "Learning Science through the CDF of 'comparing'" at the International conference on academic literacies in multilingual contexts: Bridging research evidence and classroom practice of the School of Humanities and Sciences of the Education at Mondragon University (Bilbao, Spain, 18-19/05/2023).

Education of Affectivity and Human Sexuality

Martiño Rodríguez González gave an oral presentation on 'Life Cycles of the Family and the Couple' at the Francisco de Vitoria University (Madrid, Spain, 26/05/2023).


Youth in transition

Aurelio Fernández Duval has traveled to Toronto to participate in several events. On the one hand, he attended the 73rd annual ICA Conference of the International Communication Association where he gave the lectures "Why we socially interact? The need, the ability, and the desire" and "Explaining the mobile as a social instrument: the interplay between interaction and energy recovery use". On the other hand, he has given the session 'Contemporary Phenomena in the presence and absence of Mobile Devices: the Past, the Present, and the Future' during the Mobile Preconference (Toronto, Canada, 25-29/05/2023).




José Ignacio Murillo, Fran Güell Pelayo, Nathaniel Barrett, Javier Bernácer, José Manuel Muñoz Ortega and Javier Sánchez Cañizares have participated in the II CINET International Workshop: Synchrony in the brain: Time, consciousness and life organized by CINET and Fundación Tatiana (Ávila, Spain, 26-28/05/2023).

  • Murillo and Bernácer presented the Workshop and gave the talk "SYNCHRONY Project: Conceptual background, goals and structure of the workshop". In addition, Murillo participated in the roundtable "SYNCHRONY and causality in philosophy and neuroscience". He also gave the talk "SYNCHRONY Project. 

  • Güell acted as coordinator for subprojects, discussions and conclusions. He also participated in the roundtable "SYNCHRONY in life and the role of memory". 

  • Barret offered a wrap up session and moderated the session "On Coordination and Consciousness".

  • Muñoz Ortega gave the talk "Empirical approaches on SYNCHRONY and intersubjectivity" and participated in the roundtable "SYNCHRONY in neuroscience". 

  • Sánchez Cañizares participated in the roundtable "SYNCHRONY and consciousness".

Fran Güell Pelayo also attended the 28th EBCOG 2023 organized by the European family of obstetricians and gynecologists (EBCOG) together with the Polish Society of Gynecologists and Obstetricians. There, he moderated the sessions "Low cost ivf a new approach" and "How to improve online information provided by ivf clinics". In addition, he presented the poster "Recommendation guidelines for improving the information provided by fertility clinics through websites in eight european countries". (Krakow, Poland, 18-20/05/2023).

Nathaniel Barrett has come to the Boston Theological Society to give the talk "Religious symbolism and the Experience of Life as Meaningful". (Boston, USA, 04/05/2023).

He has also presented his book "Enjoyment as Enriched Experience" to department of psychology at the University of Connecticut (Connecticut, USA, 04/27/2023).

Javier Bernácer has offered the closing lecture "Disability and the twisted lines of evolution" at the XLV annual meeting of the Spanish Society of Pediatric Neurology (SENEP) (Pamplona, Spain, 20/05/2023).

Navarra Center for International Development

Jaime Millán traveled to Uruguay to participate in the XVII RIDGE FORUM organized by CAF-Banco de development de América Latina, the Research Institute for Development, Growth and Economics (RIDGE) and the LACEA Labor Network Program. Within the Workshop on LABOR he moderated the roundtable "Racial bias in employment services: Evidence from a randomized experiment in Colombia". She also gave a presentation on "Labels and Vouchers within Social Assistance. Experimental Evidence from Georgia" at the Workshop on PUBLIC ECONOMICS (Montevideo, Uruguay, 16-19/05/2023). 

Ángela Abascal delivered the oral communication "Mapping the Invisibles: Global Urban Inequalities through Night Lights" at the congress Joint Urban Remote Sensing Event of the Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas (Heraklion, Greece, 17-19/05/2023).

Religion and Civil Society

Raquel Lázaro has participated in the First congress network Iberoamerican on Descartes and the Genesis of Modern Thought of the Universidad del Valle with the lecture "The role of love in the Cartesian sage". (Cali, Colombia, 24-26/05/2023).

Links, creativity and culture

Ana Belén Martínez has completed a research stay at the research center in anthropology (CRIA) of NOVA University. During this period, she collaborated with the group of work COAST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) in the "Human Stories for Humane Reactions" WG5 and offered the seminar "Assessing New Forms of Self-Narration: engaging as ethical witnesses with young women's testimonial narratives". (Lisbon, Portugal, 15-20/05/2023).

He has also attended the seminar "Institutional Diversity in Refugee Recognition Regimes "of the "Recognising Refugees" series of the project RefMig of the Centre for Fundamental Rights of the Hertie School, the Refugee Studies Centre of the University of Oxford and the Kaldor Centre for International Refugee Law of the University of New South Wales (Berlin, Germany, 31/05/2023).

Thaïs Rodés gave the oral communication "Absences and new presences: reuse and current state of the female convents in Navarre (Spain)" at the international congress "Spazio sacro ed esperienza dell'incontro" organized by ICOMOS Italia - Consiglio Internazionale dei Monumenti e dei Siti, and by CISCuP, Centro Internazionale Studi sulle Culture del Pellegrinaggio (Lucca, Italy, 20/05/2023).

Chair Álvaro D'Ors

Mónica García-Salmones participated in Panel III: Constitutio during the lecture 'Beyond Liberalism: Commons, Constitutionalism and the Common Good' organized by the Catholic Academy of Berlin, the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law Heidelberg and the University of Wuerzburg, (Berlin, Germany, 31/05-02/06/2023).



