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Festivity of St. Josemaría Escrivá at the University of Buenos Aires

Jaume Pujol presided the Eucharist with which he bids farewell to campus where he worked for the last 31 years.

02/07/04 16:33

The recently appointed Metropolitan Archbishop of Tarragona, Jaume Pujol, presided at a Mass in Pamplona to celebrate the feast of St. Josemaría Escrivá (1902-1975), founder of Opus Dei and of the University of Navarra. About 2,300 people attended the Eucharist at sports center of campus with which many colleagues, friends and neighbors of the city bid farewell to Professor Pujol, after 31 years of work at School of Theology. A total of 23 priests concelebrated in the liturgy, among them Pedro Alvarez de Toledo, Vicar of the Opus Dei Delegation in Pamplona. The musical part was provided by the choir of the University of Navarra, directed by Fernando Sesma, position .

During the homily, Jaume Pujol said he felt "emotion, joy and regret for leaving the University of Navarra, after so many years. Joy to go to Tarragona as pastor of this ancient archdiocese, which I love with all my soul and for which I want to offer all my energies, helped by the grace of God, which I will not lack, because when God asks for something he always gives thanks to carry it out.

Virtues for living together: smile, kindness and patience.

Summarizing some of his personal experiences in university work, the professor quoted St. Josemaría Escrivá to emphasize the importance of "work well done, finished. A work that has to be more demanding every day, seeking excellence". He also pointed out the importance of "those little virtues of living together, such as smiling, kindness, patience? In final, a good and healthy concern for others". He then referred to what his years in Pamplona had meant to him: "I feel that I am not leaving because so many friends, colleagues, disciples remain here.... There remains, in final, a part of my life, of my heart; and I leave taking with me everything I have learned in these beloved lands of Navarra, from the Ribera, the area average, basin and mountain".

Jaume Pujol concluded by asking those present for "the alms of your prayer. In a special way I entrust myself to the prayers of the sick, of all those who suffer physical or moral pain, whom the Lord makes sharers of his Cross".



