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Feast of St. Josemaría Escrivá

On the occasion of the feast of the founder of the University and its first Chancellor, a large Eucharist was celebrated at the sports center

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Hundreds of people attended the celebration at the University. PHOTO: Manuel Castells
27/06/17 09:28 Marta Doblas

"The main mission statement in the university is to teach students to love, to teach them what true love is," said Rafael Salvador, Vicar of Opus Dei in Pamplona, in his homily. He presided at a Eucharist at sports center of the University of Navarra on the feast of St. Josemaría Escrivá, founder of Opus Dei and of the academic center.

The ceremony was attended by hundreds of people, including professors, staff administration and services, students and alumni of the University, and neighbors of Pamplona. Other priests concelebrated with the Vicar, some of whom work at campus as chaplains or professors, and others from churches and parishes in Pamplona.

"Authentic love requires a good dose of patience to shorten the distances from one another; it is the path of Christian progress," said Rafael Salvador. The vicar spoke to those present about the need for enthusiasm and commitment. The first, to temper the spirit of young people "towards a freer and more solidary society"; as well as to transform the second into "a strong will", so that the illusion does not remain an image without true reality.

The musical part of the ceremony was performed at position by the Agrupación Coral Laus in Voce, formed by mothers and fathers of high school Miravalles-El Redín.

 The liturgical feast of St. Josemaría was also celebrated in other towns of Navarra, such as Tudela, Estella and Lodosa.

50 years of the homily "Passionately Loving the World".

This year marks the 50th anniversary of the homily that St. Josemaría Escrivá gave at campus at the University of Navarre on October 8, 1967. The homily was entitled "Passionately Loving the World" at degree scroll .

According to the University Chaplain of the University of Navarra, Eduardo Terrasa, "it contains some revolutionary ideas when it comes to looking at the world in which we live. Therefore, the best way to celebrate this holiday would be to reread this text so comforting for a university student".

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