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"On vacations it is advisable to control food intake while maintaining healthy guidelines".

Nutrition experts from the University of Navarra are looking for volunteers between 20 and 65 years old with overweight or obesity and associated metabolic disorders.

02/08/10 11:14
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The group of research on obesity of the University of Navarra, recently recognized as the second in the world in issue of publications, according to a study by Thomson-Reuters. PHOTO: Manuel Castells

"On vacations we tend to change the frequency and intensity of the physical activity we do, so it is advisable to adjust our food consumption. This can be done by maintaining the healthy guidelines of the rest of the year but adapting them to the summer: eat more salads, to the detriment of the stews and stews of winter; vegetables, rice and pasta in salads; opt for lean meats and fish with fruit for dessert; and be moderate at dinner". This is what Professor Marta Cuervo, dietician-nutritionist and member of the group of research on obesity of the University of Navarra, assures.

This team of research multidisciplinary , belonging to the department of Food Sciences, Physiology and Toxicology of the School of Pharmacy, is carrying out different programs of study, including some funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation and the Government of Navarra, coordinated by Dr. María Jesús Moreno and Dr. Marian Zulet.

Their goal consists of promote the prevention and nutritional treatment of obesity and its associated diseases -hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, insulin resistance and diabetes-. "In order to develop them, we are looking for volunteers, men and women between the ages of 20 and 65, who want to improve their health by reducing the risk factors linked to their overweight and obesity," the researchers explain.

Participants - who can obtain more information at 948 425600 extensions 6633 and 6582, 616 24 46 55 orán- will be monitored free of charge by a team multidisciplinary consisting of a doctor, a nurse, dieticians and pharmacists throughout the duration of the course project.

Avoid sauces and non-refrigerated food.

Santiago Navas, researcher of the Metabolic Unit of the University of Navarra, adds as committee food for the summer to avoid high-energy sauces: "Also home-made sauces or those containing eggs, due to the risk of food poisoning, as well as being cautious with establishments whose refrigeration or food preservation is questionable. The same applies to food prepared at home for eating out. In this case we must try to keep it at a constant temperature in refrigerators, etc., to reduce possible risks.

Finally, the expert recommends maintaining good hydration during sun and beach days and at conference for tourism, "preferably with mineral water. Even more so in the case of children, so that they do not abuse soft drinks. In the case of adults, alcohol should be eliminated. As regards food, sandwiches and fruit are good options if we spend the day away from home".



