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17 students from 8 countries attend the University of Navarra's Master's Degree in design Architectural

It is the best program of its kind specialization program, according to the latest ranking of 'El Mundo', and this year it is taught by professors from Germany, Spain, Portugal and New Zealand.

02/09/11 08:53
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Students and professors of Master's Degree in design Architectural (MDA). PHOTO: Manuel Castells

Last Thursday, September 1, the presentation of the XII edition of the Master's Degree in design Architectural (MDA) of the University of Navarra was held. During this academic year, 17 students from Albania, Argentina, Ecuador, Spain, Mexico, Nicaragua, Puerto Rico, Puerto Rico and Venezuela are participating in the program. This Master's Degree is aimed at architects or graduates with equivalent degrees and its classes are taught by internationally renowned professionals.

The professors who will teach the MDA are Harmut Frank (Germany), José María Ezquiaga (Spain), Juan Herreros (Spain), Gonçalo Byrne (Portugal), Joan Fontrodona (Spain), Juan Miguel Hernández León (Spain), Mark Wigley (New Zealand), Beatriz Colomina (Spain), José Antonio Martínez Lapeña (Spain), Conrado Capilla (Spain) and Efrén Munárriz (Spain).

The MDA is the best program of its kind specialization program, according to the latest ranking of 'El Mundo'. It is divided into two parts: the Project courses, which are based on the individual development of a design exercise proposed by the professor; and the Theory and Criticism of Architecture courses, which delve into the cultural and humanistic dimensions of discipline. Each student has an academic tutor staff with experience in the teaching of projects and in the professional field.

The students of Master's Degree
-Valeria Bugallo (Argentina)
-Jaime Butler (Argentina)
-Douglas Candelario Suárez (Puerto Rico)
-Damián Capano (Agentina)
-Lucas Carranza (Argentina)
-Abraham Cota Paredes (México)
-Lucio Gernaert Willmar (Argentina)
-Joli Mitrojorgji (Albania)
-Bernardo Bustamante Patiño (Ecuador)
-Francisco Fernandez Urdaneta (Venezuela-Spain)
-Federico Ferrer Deheza (Argentina)
-Erik R. González Díaz Barreiro (Mexico)
-Esteban López Caicedo (Ecuador)
-Pedro Peña y Lillo Ruiz (Argentina)
-Ana Thomas Vado (Nicaragua)
-Rene Villarreal (Mexico)
-Pilar Ruiz Sisamón (Spain)



