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The XI edition of the Master's Degree in design Architectural begins. School of Architecture

07/09/10 07:17
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Students and staff of the XI MDA graduating class. PHOTO: Manuel Castells

Recently took place the presentation of the XI edition of the Master's Degree in design Architectural (MDA) of the School of Architecture. 14 students of seven nationalities will take this postgraduate program during the 2010-2011 academic year.

The professors teaching at class this year are Aurelio Galfetti (Lugano); J.L. Carrilho (Lisbon); Richard Ingresoll (Florence); Juan Miguel Hernández de León (Madrid); Emilio Tuñón (Madrid); Patxi Mangado (Navarra); Jorge F. Liernur (Buenos Aires); and José Manuel Pozo (Segovia). 


Alumni of the XI promotion

Bernardo Bustamante Patiño (Ecuador)
Esteban López Caicedo (Ecuador)
Federico Ferrer Deheza (Argentina)
Ana Thomas Vado (Nicaragua)
Erik René González Díaz Barreiro(México)
René Villarreal Sánchez (México)
Pedro Peña y Lillo (Argentina)
Francisco Fernández Urdaneta (Venezuela - Spain)
Marivi Aras (Spain)
Karen Hinojosa (Mexico)
Melissa Hargis Villanueva (USA) Federico Pastor Pastor (Venezuela - Spain) Federico Pastor (Mexico) Melissa Hargis Villanueva (USA) UU.)
Federico Pastorino (Argentina)
Sebastian Sánchez (Argentina)
Virginia Volonte (Argentina)



