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The University of Navarra and FYM-Italcementi will award for the second year the prize to the project end of degree program that best highlights the use of concrete.

The campus will host in January the submission awards of the previous edition, during an international seminar which will be attended by the 'Nobel' of architecture of 2011.

23/11/12 15:34

The School of Architecture of the University of Navarra and the group FYM-Italcementi have announced the II FYM-Italcementi Contest. The competition will award the project fin de degree program (PFC) which, due to its quality, innovation, originality or creativity, best highlights the use of concrete within an architectural project .

Those who have submitted their PFC at any officially recognized School of Architecture in their home country between September 2011 and September 2012 and who have obtained a grade of 7/10 or higher are eligible to participate. The deadline to send the documentation is February 26, 2013.

scholarship for the Master's Degree in design Architectural
A jury composed of two professors from the School of Architecture of the University of Navarra, representatives of FYM-Italcementi and two other prestigious architects will meet in March 2013 to analyze the proposals submitted and decide the award. The author of the winning project will receive a scholarship to attend the Master's Degree in design Architectural taught at campus Pamplona.

The submission awards ceremony of the first edition will take place at campus in Pamplona, at framework of the seminar International Concrete Construction Conference, to be held on January 10 and 11. The activity will be attended by the Portuguese architect Eduardo Souto de Moura, winner in 2011 of the award Pritzker, considered the 'Nobel' of architecture.

It should be recalled that the distinctions of last year's competition went to Juan José Pérez Moncho, from the School of Architecture of the Polytechnic University of Valencia (first award: 'Térreo. Mercado Cultural del Artista'); Cecilia del Pozo, from the University of Alcalá (second award: 'El zoco de Legazpi'); and Marcos Pérez González, from the University of A Coruña (third award: 'Centro Comunitario de Marín').



