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Liliana de Lima, ICS collaborator, distinguished by the most important international pain study association

The president of association Latin American Palliative Care and executive director of the International Association for Hospice and Palliative Care will give the John D. Loeser Distinguished Lecture.

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PHOTO: Courtesy
02/10/14 16:07 Isabel Solana

Liliana De Limacollaborator of the ATLANTES Program at Institute for Culture and Society of the University of Navarra, has been distinguished by the association most important international association for the study of pain, the International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP). She is president of the association Latin American Palliative Care Association and executive director of the Association for Hospice and Palliative Care (IAHPC). (IAHPC).

De Lima gives the John D. Loeser Distinguished John D. Loeser Distinguished Lecturelecture in honor of Dr. John D. Loeser Dr. John D. Loeserof the University of Washington, for his decades of dedication to promote the research and Education on pain. The distinction is intended to create a tradition that educates, inspires and promotes researchers and health care professionals to understand human pain and the suffering it produces, in its broadest sense.

management of pain and quality of life

Liliana De Lima has received the award for her "substantial contribution to the improvement of pain management and quality of life in terminally ill patients through advanced hospice and palliative care programs, Education and research worldwide," says the IASP. The organization also emphasizes its "leading initiatives and the way it has established close relationships with other regional and national organizations to manage resources and achieve the mission statement of the IAHPC."

Liliana De Lima (Colombia) graduated in Psychology in 1984 and completed master's degrees in Clinical Psychology (1991) and in Health Care Administration (2000). In 1996 she completed a research stay with the Pain and Policy Studies Grouppartner center of the World Health Organizationat the University of Wisconsin (USA). From 1998 to 2000 she worked as director of the Palliative Care department at the Anderson Cancer Center. Anderson Cancer Center at the University of Texas Anderson Cancer Center in Houston. Since 1999 she has been executive director of the International Association for Hospice and Palliative Care (IAHPC) and since 2000 she has served as president of the Latin American Palliative Care association . She is currently completing the doctorate in health care policy and administration.



