Institute for Culture and SocietyParticipation in activities at other centers and universities (November 2022)
ICS researchers and internal collaborators participated online and in person in activities organized by institutions in Austria, Belgium, Canada, Chile, China, Costa Rica, the Czech Republic, Egypt, Italy, Mexico, Peru, Poland, Spain, the United Kingdom, the United States and the United Kingdom.
02 | 12 | 2022
ATLANTES Global Observatory of Palliative Care
Carlos Centeno y Vilma Tripodoro attended the X congress Latin American Palliative Care association Latin American Palliative Care: 'The transformation of the art of caring' where they carried out several activities, (San Jose, Costa Rica, 9-12/11/2022).
Centeno gave the plenary lecture 'Palliative Care Global Health Problem: What else can we do? ATLANTES Global Palliative Care Observatory CCOMS'. For her part, Tripodoro acted as president of the congress and of the scientific committee and moderated the inaugural lecture and the plenary lecture 'Where are we dying in Latin America'. She also participated in the panels 'What happened to what happened to us? The care of the last days during the COVID-19 pandemic. Collaborative perspective from 6 Latin American countries' and 'How to evaluate the development of Palliative Care in Latin America' and in the posters 'Familismo en la atención paliativa. Una mirada desde los pacientes, las familias y los profesionales de la salud de España y Argentina', 'Programa educational innovador para implementar un approach paliativo en instituciones' and 'Autoeficacia de los profesionales en el proceso de planificación compartida de la atención: validación de escala ACP-SES en Argentina'.
In addition, Centeno attended the virtual 'Cicely Saunders Society Webinar' organized by St Christopher's Hospice, (London, UK, 15/11/2022).
María Arantzamendi participated in the VI Palliative Care Week "Nursing caring at the end of life from the imagination" at the University of Valladolid with the session "Once upon a time... a complete life", (Soria, Spain, 7-10/11/2022).
He also offered the communication "Palliative Care: the challenge of health systems" at the XXVI International meeting of research in Care of the Unit of research in health care and services (Investén-isciii), (Pamplona, Spain, 17711/20229.
Eduardo Garralda attended the WHO Regional Expert Palliative Care Network organized by the WHO Eastern Mediterranean Regional Office, (Cairo, Egypt, 7-10/11/2022).
Public discourse
Ruth Breeze gave a virtual presentation at discussion paper "Communicating science to average audiences" during the Conference of Association of Language, Literature, and Science organized by the Chinese Academy of Sciences, (Beijing, China, 11/13/2022):
He also delivered the lecture "Learning to write like a lawyer: A focus on stance" within the congress Frontiers in Legal Linguistics of the Vienna University of Economics and Business where , (Vienna, Austria, 25/11/2022).
Eleonora Esposito participated in the Foundational Expert Group Meeting of UN Women with the session "Online and technology-facilitated violence against women and girls: Towards a common definition" (New York, United States,15-16/11/2022).
In addition, she gave the presentation "Combating Cyber violence against Women and Girls" at the congress "Gender equality in the digital age: a task for Europe. Combating gender-based cyber-violence" organized by the Czech Presidency of the committee of the European Union, (Prague, Czech Republic, 29/11/2022).
Dámaso Izquierdo attended the VI Foro de Lingüística del speech organized at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid where he gave the communication "Methodology for the identification and classification of hate speech and its intensity in the Spanish digital media", (Madrid, Spain, 17-18/11/2022).
He also gave the lecture lecture "Les problèmes terminologiques et notionnels autour de l'évidentialité: vers un nouveau modèle d'analyse" at the University of Antwerp, (Antwerp, Belgium, 3/11/2022).
Education of Affectivity and Human Sexuality
Carlos Beltramo traveled to Mexico where he visited two universities. At the CETYS University he offered the discussion paper "Education of character and emotional for the new generations" and at the Popular Autonomous University of the State of Puebla he gave a course of Education affective-sexual centered on character (Puebla and Tijuana, Mexico, 3-8/11/2022).
In addition, he delivered the oral communication 'Character Education and Pedagogy of Integration of the Human Person' at the framework of his research stay at Cardinal Wichinski University (Warsaw, Poland, 11/22/2022).
Youth in transition
Javier García Manglano y Charo Sádaba attended the Forum 360 organized by the Social Observatory of "La Caixa". There, Sádaba participated in the roundtable "The social reality of young people", (Barcelona, Spain 28/11/2022).
Pedro de la Rosa attended the II conference of Videogames and Digital Creation in Navarra organized by the General Administration of Culture and the Institución Príncipe de Viana of the Government of Navarra, (Pamplona, Spain, 10-11/11/2022).
group Mind-brain
Fran Güell presented the project of research European B2-InF during the VI edition of the European Forum One of Us, (Palermo, Italy, 18-20/11/2022).
José Manuel Muñoz presented two posters, entitled "Diminishing implicit age bias in judicial decision-making: How neurolaw can provide tools for judges to better deal with the issue of adolescents in conflict with the law in Brazil" and "You shall have the thought: habeas cogitatio as a writ to enforce neurorights", at the meeting Annual 2022 of the International Neuroethics Society, (Montreal, Canada, 2-4/11/2022).
Muñoz also offered the seminar 'Bundy, Dahmer and Gacy. Una perspectiva desde la Neurocriminología forense' at the Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Penales de México, (Mexico City, Mexico, 8/11/2022).
Navarra Center for International Development
Jaime Millán gave an online paper "Racial bias in employment services: Evidence from a randomized experiment in Colombia" at the meeting Annual 2022 The Latin American and Caribbean Economic Association, (Lima, Peru, 3-5/11/2022).
He was also invited by the Public University of Navarra to communicate the same session at the department of Economics, (Pamplona, Spain, 18/11/2022).
Links, creativity and culture
Loris de Nardi participated in the XIII conference de programs of study Coloniales y Modernos of the Universidad de la Serena where he gave an oral communication "Políticas Públicas de reducción del riesgo de incendio: una definición" and coordinated the roundtable "Políticas de management de riesgo de desastres. Desde la Monarquía Hispánica hacia los Estados decimonónicos", (Santiago de Chile, Chile, 9/11/2022).
He also attended the "III congress of the association Ibero-American Urban History: Rethinking the Ibero-American city. Constructing the past and designing the future". There he coordinated the roundtable "Historia inflamable de Iberoamérica. Cities, fires and societies. Siglo XVI-XXI" and offered the session 'Proteger la propiedad para defender la felicidad: algunas reflexiones sobre las creación de los cuerpos de bomberos en ámbito ibérico', (Madrid, Spain, 25/11/2022).
Finally, he gave the invited discussion paper "De la aceptación del riesgo de incendio a la negligencia temeraria: Algunas reflexiones sobre una research at development" in the seminar "Historia y Vulnerabilidad: Enfoques críticos sobre América" of the University of Seville, (Seville, Spain, 28-29/11/2022).
Albert Recasens was invited by the Universidad Antonio de Nebrija to participate in the roundtable "Las dinámicas de producción en el campo de la música antigua en España" of the National seminar "El patrimonio musical en España: un nuevo mundo de arte", (Madrid, Spain, 17/11/2022).
Javier Yániz participated in the roundtable "El nacimiento de la vocación poética" organized on the occasion of the presentation of the issue 150 of the Revista Río Arga (Pamplona, Spain, 23/11/2022).
Alejandro N. Garcia gave the virtual lectures "Emotions and sport: an approach to social research from relational sociology" and "Emotional culture and political identity claims" at the III INTERNATIONAL congress NODOS DEL knowledge: The academy facing the challenges of humanity. Innovation, research and transfers before the 2030 horizon (Seville, Spain, 24-25711/2022).
Javier Serrano attended the congress "Teaching Controversial Topics and identities in the 21st Century" organized by Cultural Mediation and Social Affairs Project, (Washington, USA, 3-4/11/2022).
Center for Civic Humanism
José María Torralba attended the fall congress "'And It Was Very Good': On Creation" at the University of Notre Dame, (Notre Dame, USA, 10-12/2022).