The first Spanish translation of St. Thomas' commentaries on the Pauline Epistles has been published.
The work, published in three volumes on the occasion of the triple jubilee year of St. Thomas Aquinas, has been carried out by researchers from the School of Theology of the University of Navarra.
03 | 02 | 2025
The University of Navarra has published the first Spanish translation of the commentaries of St. Thomas Aquinas to the Pauline Epistles. The work has been carried out by researchers from the School of Theology and will be collected in three volumes published by EUNSA, on the occasion of the triple jubilee year of St. Thomas Aquinas.
The first book of the three to be published, graduate Thomas Aquinas. A Commentary on the Pauline Epistles Iwas published at the end of 2024. It was Professor José Ramón Villar, who died in April 2021, who conceived the project, designed it, organized it and revised most of the work since its inception in 2008, when he was Dean of the School of Theology of the University of Navarra.
"Following the wishes of Professor Villar, the translation seeks to offer a text that is easy to read, with elegant language as far as possible, and which gives priority to clarity over literalism, without betraying it. In addition, some notes of a historical-theological nature have been added to help readers to situate the points where some orientation or clarification was deemed necessary," says Gregorio Guitián, Dean of the School of Theology, who has coordinated the work that Professor Villar left pending.
"Above all, it means taking the first big step to complete this vast and long work, but it is also, in a way, the gift of the School of Theology to the Spanish-speaking world that appreciates the work of Aquinas, on the occasion of the triple Jubilee year (2023-2025) that we are celebrating: his canonization (1323), death (1274) and possible year of birth (1274), the year of his canonization (1323) and the year of his death (1274).
to (1225). In the case of the Issue now published, the publisher is José Ramón Villar and the translators are Professors Juan Ignacio Ruiz Aldaz, Fernando Milán, Pablo Edo and the then Professor Carmen Trigo. On the other hand, Professor Emeritus Elisabeth Reinhardt is the author of both the preliminary study that opens the work and the annotations to the commentary; and Professor Emeritus Josep-Ignasi Saranyana has carried out the last revision of the work and has written the introductions to the commentaries.