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Institute for Culture and Society: participation in activities of other centers and universities (February 2017)

ICS researchers attended activities in Bolivia, Spain, Italy, Luxembourg, Mexico and United Kingdom

03/03/17 18:13

Emotional culture and identity
Ana Marta GonzálezAna Marta González
y Mariano Crespo participated in the congress 'Responsibility, love and identity staff', held at the School of Philosophy, Anthropology and work Social of the Catholic University of Valencia. There, Ana Marta gave the session 'Bonds, emotion and identity'. For his part, Mariano Crespo spoke on 'Moral emotions, revelation of identity staff and evidence of the heart'. (Valencia, 16-17/02/17).

Alejandro Vigo intervened with a session on Kant in the congress "Heidegger in some of his words core topic" that took place in the Hall of Degree of the School of Philosophy and Sciences of the Education of the University of Valencia. (Valencia, 16-17/02/17).


Public discourse

Inés Olza has been a guest researcher at the Interpretation Directorate of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CURIA) during the month of February. There she has carried out observation and recording of simultaneous interpreters in EU forensic contexts for the project of research 'Multimodal patterns in the representation of time' (Luxembourg, 01-28/02/17).

group Mind-brain

José Ignacio Murillo attended the 'SYMPOSIUM IV: The Unity of the Living from an interdisciplinary approach . From the Philosophy and Biological Sciences' organized by the Popular Autonomous University of the State of Puebla (UPAEP). There he offered the plenary lecture 'The unity of the living: a reading from the Philosophy and the sciences' (Puebla, Mexico 02-03/02/17).

Francisco Güell gave a workshop graduate 'Parental responsibility and assisted human reproduction' at the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos de Madrid (Madrid, 24/02/17).


Javier Sánchez Cañizares participated in the congress of the School of Philosophy of the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross and the University of Notre Dame (South Bend) 'Le dimensioni metafisiche della natura'. He presented the work 'Does Physics Need an Optimality Principle? A Response to the Dilemma of Unger and Smolin', which he shares with Nathaniel Barrett (Rome, Italy, 23-25/02/17).

Navarra Center for International Development
 Alex Armand
, Joseph Gomes y Sergio Daga have delivered a workshop on agricultural insurance as part of the project of research of NCID funded by 3ie. (La Paz, Bolivia, 04-11/02/17).

In addition, Alex Armand has met with members of the Institute for Fiscal Studies for his project of research on slum hygiene in India (London, UK, 27-28/02/17).

ATLANTES Programme
 José Miguel Carrasco
y Alicia Arza carried out tasks of collecting data (focus groups and interviews) for the project 'Message of Palliative Care'. (Madrid, 13-15/02/17).

In addition, José Miguel Carrasco attended the third meeting of the Scottish Palliative and End of Life Care Research Forum, held at the University of Edinburgh (Edinburgh, UK, 22/02/17).



