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New center at the University of Navarra dedicated to fashion

It is ISEM Fashion Business School that offers a Master's Degree in Fashion Business.

03/05/11 09:59
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The plenary session of the Executive Council of the board of Governing Body of the University of Navarra has erected ISEM Fashion Business School as the new center of the academic institution.

The University has had a close relationship with ISEM, based in Madrid, for many years. Professors from different Schools, especially from IESE and other centers of the University of Navarra, teach teaching in the Executive MBA in Fashion Companies program, a Master's Degree officially verified by the National Agency for Assessment of Quality and Accreditation.

ISEM Fashion Business School, founded and chaired by Covadonga O'Shea, has as goal the union of creative talent with business management . The Master's Degree , the only one of its kind in Spain, is aimed at professionals from different areas; and includes the teachings of an MBA: Finance, Operations, or General Administration, which are combined with specific subjects of the fashion industry, such as Collection Planning or Retail. 

In addition to professors from the University of Navarra, the faculty includes specialists from the Fashion Institute of Technology (FIT) in New York; SDA Bocconi in Milan; and the Institut Français de la Mode (IFM) in Paris, schools with which ISEM maintains academic alliances, as well as with executives and entrepreneurs in the sector.

ISEM's alumni , which now numbers more than four hundred, have been able to join positions of responsibility within the fashion industry, with diverse profiles, such as product manager or purchasing manager, among others.

The integration of ISEM into the University of Navarra aims to promote training and research in the world of fashion, among other means, through the interdisciplinary relationship with other centers of the University.

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