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Institute for Culture and Societyparticipation in activities at other centers and universities (April 2023)

ICS researchers and internal collaborators participated online and in person in activities organized by institutions in Argentina, Austria, Colombia, France, Germany, Malta, Peru, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, the United States and the United Kingdom.

03 | 05 | 2023

ATLANTES Global Observatory of Palliative Care

Ana Paula Salas y Beatriz Gómez have attended the congress organized by the School of Information Sciences of the Complutense University of Madrid, framed in the Chair of Communication and Health UCM-ABBVIE (UCM) of the II International congress of Communication and Health (CICyS). There they gave the session 'innovation in education as a communication strategy in palliative care: results of the pilot intervention' (Madrid, Spain,27-28/04/2023).

Public discourse

Sarali Gintsburg y Evgeniya Gutova have attended the international lecture "Arabic in Africa: Historical and Sociolinguistic Perspectives" at the University of Bayreuth. In it they offered respectively the papers "Arabic in Zanzibar: gone but not forgotten?" and "Settled nomads: The dialect of Ain Bni Mathar (Eastern Morocco)". (Bayreuth, Germany, 12-14/04/2023).

In addition, Gintsburg has completed a research stay at the Institut National Universitaire Jean-François Champollion thanks to the scholarship Erasmus + Training Mobility. (Albi, France, 03-07/04/2023).

Dámaso Izquierdo participated in the XXVII International colloquium of the association European Association of Spanish Teachers (AEPE) organized by Comenius University of Bratislava with the talk "Spanish in the Baltic Republics in the context of the teaching official ". (Bratislava, Slovakia, 03-07/04/2023).

Education of Affectivity and Human Sexuality

Martiño Rodríguez González y Maria Calatrava gave the session "The Impact of Pornography on Sexual Development and Identity: Main Research Findings, Prevention and Psychotherapy" at the National Congress of the Catholic Psychotherapy Association of the Catholic Psychotherapy Association (San Diego, USA, 04/20-22/2023).


José Manuel Muñoz has been invited to the Escuela de Magistratura de la Provincia de Salta to deliver the lecture lecture "Eficacia de los neuroderechos: de la discusión conceptual a los mecanismos de tutela". (Salta, Argentina, 21/04/2023).

In addition, he has participated in a seminar organized by the FNAD Foundation, Neurosciences applied to Law, Law and Justice with the talk "Is the neuroprediction of crime ethical (and effective)?". (Colombia, 26/04/2023).

Javier Sánchez Cañizares has offered the session "The integrated information theory of Giulio Tononi" in an interdisciplinary course on consciousness of CINET and Tatiana Foundation (Madrid, Spain, 04/04/2023).

Gonzalo Alonso attended an anthropology course at the PAD Business School (Lima, Peru, 01-15/04/2023).


Navarra Center for International Development

Raul Bajo has made a brief stay at the CesIfo Institut in Munich where he gave a talk on "Market competition and the adoption of clean technology". He also gave a lecture at the Johannes Kleper University in Linz (Munich, Germany, 17-28/04/2023 and Linz, Austria, 19/04/2023).

Links, creativity and culture

Julia Pavón has offered the talk "Mulieres religiosae. Paisajes espirituales femeninos en la Navarra medieval" during the session "La historia medieval de Navarra a través de sus mujeres" organized by the UNED (Pamplona, Spain, 18/04/2023).

Inés Olza y Javier Yaniz have attended the 40th International congress of the association Spanish Applied Linguistics Association (AESLA). There, Yániz has given the lecture "I agree: multimodal patterns in the manifestation of agreement". Olza also moderated the panel on Lexicology and Lexicography, (Mérida, Spain, 26-28/04/2023).

Anna Dulska presented the talk '"No, nothing is left there. The potentiality of religious Jewish heritage in Spain. Case study of the judería of Pamplona"' at the congress of the Future for Religious Heritage Foundation (Lund, Sweden, 20-23/04/2023).

She also participated in the "The Early Modern Hospitallers Online Talks" series organized by the University of Malta and The Malta Study Centre with the session "Hospitaller Women's Spirituality" (Msida, Malta, 20/04/2023).

Ana Belén Martínez has participated in the online seminar "Negotiating Diversity in Expanded European Public Spaces" organized by Migrations Initiative at Cornell University (Ithaca, USA, 17/04/2023).

She also attended the virtual launch of the book "The Palgrave Handbook of Testimony and Culture", of which she is co-author of the chapter "Digital Testimony and Social average", organized by The Historical Dialogues, Justice, and Memory Network Institute for the Study of Human Rights at Columbia University (New York, USA, 20/04/2023).

Chair Alvaro D'Ors

Mónica García Salmones has participated in the seminar of the International Center for Human Rights and Peaceful Coexistence with the talk "Peaceful Coexistence as a Global Common Good". (Madrid, Spain, 25/04/2023).

Civic Humanism Center

José María TorralbaEmma Cohen de Lara y Vianney Domingo attended the 28th Annual Conference of the Association of Core Texts and Courses organized by The Association of Core Texts and Courses (ACTC), where they participated in several events (Dallas, USA, 30/03-04/04/2023): 

  • On the one hand, Cohen de Lara gave the plenary session of Friday 31, with Torralba's introduction. He also gave the introduction of the plenary session on Saturday, the 1st. 

  • For his part, Torralba moderated panel 4 "Beyond Meaningful Exchange? Core Texts and Character Education Waterford A/B", in which Cohen de Lara and Domingo offered the session "Knowing and Becoming in Liberal Education: Liberal Learning Paths to Virtue".

  • Torralba also moderated and participated in panel 6 "Core Texts in High School" with the discussion paper "Great Books and moral education in high schools".

In addition, José María Torralba presented the program 'Leadership as Service' at the I meeting of university professors 'Quijotes de la teaching' organized by the Tatiana Foundation (Madrid, Spain, 14/04/2023).



