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Graduation of the first graduating class of Master's Degree in Palliative Care Nursing

It is the only official one of its kind specialization program currently offered in Spain.

03/07/12 07:03
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Natalia Casado PHOTO: Manuel Castells

The School of Nursing of the University of Navarra celebrated the closing of the I promotion of the Master's Degree in Nursing in Palliative Care, the only official of its specialization program currently taught in Spain, which was well received: 12 students graduated.

This was expressed by the student Natalia Casado, in charge of pronouncing the speech of gratitude on behalf of her classmates: "we are the first nurses with degree scroll of Master's Degree in Palliative Care Nursing in Spain. We are making history, do not forget it".

In his speech, Casado highlighted the role of the people who have made possible the implementation of the program, both from the University of Navarra, through the School of Nursing, and from the Hospital Centro de Cuidados Laguna de Madrid. "They all worked hard to make this project a reality, and have given us the opportunity to receive an official, complete and quality training ."

About the academic staff highlighted his "extensive academic preparation and experience professor and research, as well as his professional career, which translates into an interest in transmitting the essence of the nursing discipline and develop the advanced role in nursing in Palliative Care.

The last part of speech was dedicated to his family and friends, and to his colleagues at classroom. She praised the good atmosphere during the months of Master's Degree and their ability to share experiences and knowledge.

The event ended with the presentation of graduation sashes and submission of diplomas and the closing ceremony by the dean of the School, María Isabel Saracíbar Rázquin.

Alumnae of the I Promotion of the Master in Palliative Care

Cristina Arellano Gil
Elena Carrascal Garchitorena
Natalia Casado Fernández
Nuria Díaz Blázquez
Mercedes Lachiondo Camuñas
Idoia Necochea Aranzabal
Teresa place Escribano
Lilia Maricela Quiroz Carhuajulca
Itziar Remírez Perea
Patricia Ruiz Corbella
Begoña Sánchez Blanco
Leire Sola Juango



