The Archbishop of Pamplona reminds us that more than 600,000 religious around the world give their lives for others every day.
Bishop Francisco Perez closed the XV Course of update of the high school Superior of Religious Sciences in which a hundred people participated.
"600,000 religious around the world give their lives every day for others. Today we talk about those who dissent, not about those who agree. There is talk of the sins of the Church but not of those who do an impressive work, such as the 13,000 Spanish missionaries around the world". This is what the Archbishop of Pamplona, Mons. Francisco Pérez, said at the University of Navarra during the closing of the XV Course of update of the high school Superior of Religious Sciences.
In his words, the Monsignor encouraged the participants to continue their work as educators and explained to them that it is very important not to lose hope: "In the face of difficulties we must wake up, they are an opportunity to get us to think".
The course, held from August 29 to 31, was attended by a hundred people from the 17 autonomous communities. The profile of the attendees was very varied: teachers, pharmacists, researchers, civil servants, businessmen, lawyers, priests, engineers, retired people and housewives.
The Archbishop of Pamplona addressed them expressly to remind them that "no one educates more than the one who loves" and he conveyed to them the words of Pope Francis: "The Gospel cannot be proclaimed if it is not done with joy".
More than thirty sessions of trainingA total of 38 sessions were held at training: 11 common sessions in the mornings and 27 in the afternoons, the latter with specific content of subjects of the different online training diplomas offered by ISCR.
Pablo Perez, Full Professor of Contemporary History, gave the first session of the course focused on "The current echo of the last 50 years. position The second discussion paper entitled "Freedom and vocation: does God have a previous plan for me?" was given by director of the ISCR, José Manuel Fidalgo. The psychiatrist of the Clínica Universidad de Navarra, Adrián Cano, and the nurse Mª Isabel Beúnza, gave the third discussion paper of the workshop: "What is and how can the Diagnostic and Family Therapy Unit (UDITEF), of the department of Psychiatry and Medical Psychology of the Clínica Universidad de Navarra" help. The first morning was completed with the testimony of the lawyer Yasmine Oré who spoke about "From the Mormons to the Catholic Church".
The second workshop session of the course began with the session "Awakening Daring" given by Sergi Molas, director Alumni of the University of Navarra. It was followed by the discussion paper of the professor of Canon Law, Jorge Miras: "Around the joy and exultation of sanctity". The third session, focused on "Early detection of common pathologies", was given by Pilar de Castro, from the Department of Psychiatry and Psychology.
department of Psychiatry and Clinical Psychology - Child and Adolescent Unit of the Clínica Universidad de Navarra in Madrid.
Elena Álvarez, professor of Modern Philosophy at the International University of La Rioja, opened the third workshop with a discussion paper on "Women in the Gospel". She was followed by Carlos Soler, professor of Canon Law, who offered a lecture on "training in Catholic religion classes: Background ideas. Selection of textbooks". Finally, Bishop Francisco Perez closed the course.