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Institute for Culture and Society: participation in activities of other centers and universities (February 2016)

ICS researchers attended activities in Cameroon, Spain, USA, Guatemala, Italy, Mexico, UK and South Africa

04/03/16 16:44

Emotional culture and identity

Ana Marta González, Charo Sádaba and Omar Rosas participated as discussants in the Experts-Meeting Technology and the good society from Social Trends Institute of Barcelona (Barcelona, 04-06/02/2016)

Pilar León organized and participated as speaker in the Course 'Ethics and communication in the clinical relationship'. at the high school Official Medical Association of Navarra. It is a course accredited by the Commission of training Continuous of the health professions. (Pamplona, 28/01/2016-11/02/2016).

Education of Affectivity and Human Sexuality

Jokin de Irala was invited to the congress '2016 Matthew Bulfin Educational Conference, organized by American College of Pediatricians and American Association of Pro-life Obstetricians & Gynecologists (AAPLOG) to give a presentation under the degree scroll 'Safe-sex belief and sexual risk behaviors among adolescents: project YOURLIFE' (Houston, USA, 2/20-21/2016). In addition, she also participated in the.  congress of the Family 2016 'The Root of Hope'. where he gave several presentations: 'Sex and courtship', 'Family, root of hope' and 'How to give integrated messages about Education sexual to young people' in Guadalajara (Mexico, 22-23/02/2016).

group Mind-Brain

José Ignacio Murillo participated in the roundtable 'Implicaciones antropológicas y bioéticas del mejoramiento humano' at the XV seminar Bioética del Enhancement o of human enhancement. Scientific, ethical, juridical and theological aspects', organized by AEDOS (association for the Study of the Social Doctrine of the Church) and held at the Pontifical University of Comillas (Madrid, 20/02/2016).

Francisco Güell participated as speaker in the workshop I 'knowledge Interdisciplinary. From Biology to Philosophy' in the cycle of workshops and congresses 'La unidad del viviente: del development embrionario a la generación de hábitos' (Part One: multidisciplinarity entre Biología y Philosophy) at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (Mexico, 29/2/2016).

Javier Sánchez Cañizares presented the paper 'Is compatibilism compatible with the existence of quantum correlations of the subject EPR?' at the international symposium Human Nature 2.0': Web, anthropomorphies, naturalization of spirituality  organized by the Universidad Pontificia de Comillas (Madrid, 11-13/02/2016).

José Víctor Orón gave a few sessions for the training of teachers on neuroscience topics and Education at the Education secondary schools of Yaounde and Bameneda (Cameroon, 01-14/02/2016).

Navarra Center for International Development

Luis Ravina traveled to South Africa to meet with several collaborators (South Africa, 03-12/02/2016).


Alex Armand  presented the paper 'Measuring and Changing Control' at the 4th Antigua Experimental Economics Workshop (Guatemala, 2/26-27/2016)

Joseph Gomes taught a seminar at Middlesex University Business School in London (UK, 10-12/2/2016). In addition, he traveled to Dallas to visit a co-author (USA, 2/15-24/2016).

ATLANTES Programme

Carlos Centeno participated in the Master's Degree university Cure Palliative and Pain Therapy of L'Accademia delle Scienze di Medicina Palliativa in Bologna (Italy, 02/18-20/2016).


María Arantzamendi taught several classes on research Qualitative, within the subject 'internship ' Evidence Based', at the Master's Degree in Pediatric Palliative Care of the International University of La Rioja.


José Miguel Carrasco gave the module on 'research Qualitative in Public Health' in the Master's Degree of Public Health of the University of Zaragoza (Zaragoza, 22-25/02/2016). He also taught the modules 'Methods and techniques of the research in public health. research quantitative and qualitative' and 'protocol. Problem posing in Public Health. Preparation of data. data analysis and reviews. essay and presentation of papers in SP' in the course of diploma holder in Public Health of the Government of Aragon, organized by the. high school Aragonese Health Sciences (Zaragoza, 23-27/02/2016). Finally, she participated as board member in the tribunal of the doctoral thesis 'La atención a pacientes con multimorbilidad. La percepción de los profesionales', defended by Ms. Elena Tambo at the School of Medicine of the University of Zaragoza (Zaragoza, 08/02/2016).

Antonio Noguera went to the meeting of the committee organizer of the congress European EAPCMadrid 2017, which was held at Hospital La Paz (Madrid, 15/02/2016). In addition, he taught classes on 'research Quantitative' and 'Question from research' within the subject 'internship Evidence Based', at the. Master's Degree in Pediatric Palliative Care of the International University of La Rioja.



