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First Pharmacy graduating class in Spain to be evaluated with an exam on clinical competences

The School of Pharmacy and Nutrition of the University of Navarra is the first to implement the assessment Objective and Structured Clinical Examination (ECOE).

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04/06/18 14:09 Laura Juampérez

The students of the 50th promotion of Pharmacy and of the double Degree in Pharmacy and Human Nutrition and Dietetics of the University of Navarra have participated, for the first time in Spain, in an ECOE exam for Pharmacy students, oriented to evaluate the clinical competences they develop in the subject of Tutored Stays.

This methodology professor -which obeys the acronym assessment Objective and Structured Clinical and has been applied for some time in Degrees as Medicine- has as goal evaluate the clinical skills and knowledge that students have been acquiring throughout the Degree and have put in internship during the last months of degree program in the subject of Tutored Stays.

"In this subject, students spend six months in a pharmacy office and/or hospital pharmacy service, after which we need a methodology that validates the clinical competencies they have learned," explains Guadalupe Beitia, coordinator of Tutored Practices at School.

The first pilot test took place last year and this year the methodology has been implemented for all 5th year students. In total, it lasted two hours, during which the students went through seven stations where they simulated cases with patients, evaluated their ability to identify different pharmaceutical forms from the carton, solved a clinical case and were confronted with the search for sources of information to solve a enquiry.

Likewise, this year the application of this methodology has been launched at Degree of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, for which a pilot test has been designed with 12 final year students. In this case, the exam consisted of recreating the enquiry of a dietitian-nutritionist with a real patient.



