The researcher of the School of Sciences, Andrea Marín, wins the local edition of the competition "Tu thesis en un hilo" promoted by the CRUE.
The doctoral student has been awarded for creatively and efficiently disseminating her research in social networks.
"What do you notice when you like someone? Do you get nervous when they're around? How do you get their attention? I ask those same questions to my animals - do you want to know how and what they answer me, inside #ThesisThread!!!".
So begins the thread with which the researcher of the department of Environmental Biology of the School of Sciences, Andrea Marín Sierra, has been selected as the representative of the University to participate in the final phase of the national competition promoted by the CRUE "Tu thesis en un hilo" (Your in a thread). Up to 18 doctoral students from the University of Navarra have participated in this fourth edition of award and have also shared their research through social networks.
In 18 publications on the "X" platform, the researcher has explained through text, animated gifs, photos, video and infographics the goal of her thesis : the study of the reproductive behavior in captivity of the European mink - Europe's most endangered mammal in critical danger of extinction - and the relationship between captivity and its post-reintroduction survival in its natural habitat.
Using simple language accessible to all audiences, Andrea detailed the key aspects of conservation programs that need to be improved, how mink behavior develops and the role of science in promoting their reproduction and reintroduction into the wild through environmental enrichment .
The doctoral student will be the representative of the University and her thread will compete with those selected from the other 50 participating universities to be one of the five winners. In order to promote the dissemination activity among the students of doctorate and bring their results of research closer to society, the network of knowledge dissemination and Scientific Culture (RedDivulga) of the lecture of Rectors of Spanish Universities (Crue) together with the Ignacio Larramendi Foundation have proposed this call for the "IV Edition of the Contest #HiloTesis: your doctoral thesis in social networks".
The goal is that researchers at training/doctoral students can tell society what they do, how they do it and why they do it. To this end, we propose the development of a publication in social networks in thread format to take advantage of their possibilities as communication channels, adapting the content of the thesis to a simple, accessible and attractive language.
This initiative, promoted at the University through the Scientific Culture and Innovation Unit, seeks to make the specialized knowledge accessible to the whole society.