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Two researchers from the University of Navarra win an award for their poster at high school Johns Hopkins

Ana Camacho and Patricia Ojer presented a joint poster at a congress on the impact of nanomaterials on the environment and health.

04/10/10 15:25
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Patricia Ojer and Ana Camacho. PHOTO: Manuel Castells

Researchers Ana Camacho -from the Departments of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Technology, and Microbiology- and Patricia Ojer -from the Departments of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Technology, and Toxicology-, were awarded at the high school Johns Hopkins for the joint poster graduate 'Poly(anhydride) nanoparticles as a safe and non toxic strategy for vaccination against Shigellosis: Toxicity studies and vaccine development', which they presented to a congress on the impact of nanomaterials on the environment and health.

The work, led by professors Juan Manuel Irache (Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Technology), Carlos Gamazo (Microbiology) and Adela López de Ceráin (Toxicology), studies the toxicity of some vectors -or vehicles of the subject nanoparticles- selected for the development of vaccines against Shigellosis or bacillary dysentery, "an intestinal infection caused by a group of bacteria called Shigella and transmitted from person to person", explains the future doctor Ana Camacho.

More than 70 posters from centers all over the world competed at competition . In this context, according to Patricia Ojer - who is currently working on her doctoral thesis in the field of nanotoxicology - one factor that could count for her poster to be awarded the prize was that most of them showed basic science, "while ours had a clearer application internship ", she stresses.

Both researchers also highlighted the positive experience of partnership between different Departments to present joint papers at international congresses.



