The Chair of language and Basque Culture is organising a lecture series on Pío Baroja.
It will take place on 7 and 8 October at the Museum of Navarre.

PhotoCedited/ Posterof the lecture series
04 | 10 | 2021
The Chair of language and Basque Culture of the School of Philosophy and Letters of the University of Navarre has organized the lecture series "Baroja and Navarre: figure with landscapes".. It will take place on 7 and 8 October, from 15:45h. to 20h., at the Museum of Navarre.
The goal of the meeting, which has the support of the Government of Navarre sponsorship , is to offer a re-reading of the author's personality and literary bequest , as well as to offer some new perspectives for study by 15 experts from a wide range of fields. "In addition to strictly literary approaches, we will study Pío Baroja's relationship with the plastic arts; the film adaptations of his novels; his philosophical ideas; even geography, because we have prepared a digital cartography of Baroja's biographical milestones related to Navarre", explains Professor Gabriel Insausti, organiser of meeting.
The workshop will place special emphasis on the author's links with our land since, as Insausti points out, his figure and his work "are closely related to Navarre". "His roots staff began when his family settled in his childhood in Calle Nueva, near the Rincón de la Aduana, and were confirmed when in 1912 he bought the house that is now Itzea in Vera de Bidasoa. Born in San Sebastian, Baroja claimed that the same house had belonged to his ancestors. In addition to making that place and Navarre in general the setting for many of his stories, his narrative includes a recurrent assessment on the history of Navarre, especially the confrontation between liberals and Carlists in the 19th century".
Admission to lecture series is free until fill in capacity is reached. More information and programme