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The 22nd edition of the Science Weeks in Navarra begins

04 | 11 | 2022

The 22nd edition of the Navarra's Science, Technology and Innovation Weeks has started with a wide variety of activities, including workshops, conferences, visits, shows and exhibitions, which will take place until November 19, 2022. The celebration of this week of science fulfills a double goal: the promotion of scientific vocations among students and the dissemination of science and the work of scientists among society in general.

The inauguration of the Science Weeks took place this morning at the University of Navarra and counted with the intervention of:
- Mr. Javier Armentia (Director of the Pamplona Planetarium).
- Mr. Ignacio López Goñi (Director of the Science Museum of the University of Navarra).
- Ms. Gurutze Pérez Artieda (Director of area of Culture and knowledge dissemination of the UPNA).
- Mr. Jorge Pérez (Representing the Friends of Science Club).
- Mr. Juan Cruz Cigudosa (Councilor of University, Innovation and Digital Transformation - Government of Navarra).
- Mr. Fermín Alonso (Councilor of Pamplona City Council. Strategic Projects, mobility and Sustainability).

Born as a European celebration to promote science in the 1990s, the Science, Technology and Innovation Weeks have become, since the Year of Science (celebrated in Spain in 2007), the main event aimed at the public to raise awareness of the world of science, with numerous activities at knowledge dissemination and citizen participation.


In Navarra it is the Club de Amigos de la Ciencia who coordinates the activities of these weeks of promotion of the scientific and technological knowledge and that have as promoters the Public University of Navarra, the University of Navarra and the Planetarium of Pamplona. Year after year, with numerous collaborating entities, these weeks, which this year will be held between November 4 and 19, host a series of activities aimed at all audiences such as round tables, conferences, workshops, experimental sessions, screenings, guided tours, among others.

The Science Weeks in Navarra are supported by the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) / Ministry of Science and Innovation.

They have their own web page where they compile their activities:

Science Week - Inauguration of Fotciencia'18 (04/11/22)



