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"Navarra: History and Culture", new free online course from the University of Navarra

Promoted by the department of History together with the Institute for Culture and Society (ICS) of the academic center.

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05/01/18 12:50 Marta Doblas

On Monday, January 8, the University of Navarra launches the free online course "Navarra: History and Culture", promoted by the department of History together with the Institute for Culture and Society (ICS) of the academic center. This MOOC -acronym in English for "Massive Open Online Course"- covers in ten study modules the trajectory of the Comunidad Foral, through its milestones in time and its artistic expressions.

Once the course is open, students can join at any time and complete the entire course until February 18 at 23:59 CET. There is no cost to register and complete the course at registration . The content is presented in audiovisual format; with written supplementary material, self-assessments and a forum at contact with the academic staff.

The MOOC "Navarre: History and Culture" defines the geographical peculiarities and the legal framework of this territory and then stops at the Roman occupation, passing through the Age average, until the official foundation of the Kingdom. It analyzes the archaeological remains of its Prehistory and Ancient History as well as the works of the Baroque. In this way, the student will be able to understand the changes in the last centuries that have given rise to contemporary Navarre and appreciate all its cultural richness.

Pandemics: New Viral Infections" is back.

On the other hand, on January 8 begins a new edition of the MOOC "Pandemics: new viral infections", taught by Professor Ignacio López-Goñi, award of Communication and knowledge dissemination 2017 of ASEBIO (association Española de Bioempresas); and whose first edition concluded with 2,510 participants.

What do bird flu, dengue, Ebola and AIDS have in common? Can a virus change the world in plenary session of the Executive Council 21st century? Is a worldwide epidemic possible? Starting with the explanation of what a virus is and how it multiplies, the MOOC answers all these and other questions with a scientific language but very close and informative.



