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Palliative care requires the assessment psychological care of the patient.

At the University of Navarra, psycho-oncologist María Die Trill stressed the importance of knowing the patient in all his facets.

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lecture "Psychological aspects in palliative care".
PHOTO: Courtesy
05/05/14 09:13 Miriam Salcedo

Physical and psychological ailments, the economic and partner-family status or the diagnosis of the disease and its therapeutic plan, are some of the elements that are contemplated in the psychological assessment of the patient who requires palliative care attention. This was pointed out by María Die Trill, PhD in Psychology and coordinator of the Psycho-Oncology Unit of the Gregorio Marañón University Hospital, in a training session organized by the Master's Degree in Palliative Care Nursing of the School of Nursing of the University of Navarra, at partnership with the Hospital Centro de Cuidados Laguna de Madrid.

About twenty nurses, alumni and professionals in the sector attended this lecture entitled"Psychological aspects in palliative care" in which they highlighted two main ideas that professionals should consider when caring for patients requiring palliative care: to know them very well and to put themselves in their place. In this way, a deep psychological assessment of the patient financial aid professionals are able to "empathize, help and accompany the patient" in the terminal phase, said Maria Die Trill.

The meeting took place at ISEM Fashion Business School, the academic center's fashion school in Madrid.



