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Recognized research by Matthias Huehn, by publishing house Emerald Publishing

School Economics professor receives Outstanding Paper in the 2017 Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence

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PHOTO: Manuel Castells
05/06/17 12:21 Rocío del Prado

School Professor of Economics Matthias Huehn has been awarded the award Outstanding Outstanding Paper in the 2017 Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence. The recognition, awarded by publishing house Emerald Publishing, ranks the study "Ethics as a catalyst for change in business education?" as the best publication of the publishing house in 2017.

In his study, Professor Huehn aims to goalhypothesize about business theory and the way education has been systematically carried out since the last 200 years, from a philosophical perspective. In doing so, he attempts to respond to the economic narrative and pedagogical problems by presenting the impact that a philosophical rethinking of the Education business and the way of teaching would have on business schools.

Huehn is Professor of Management at department of business of the School of Economics. He is Master's Degree at Philosophy and Master's Degree from the University of St Andrews, Scotland, and holds a PhD from the University of St Gallen, Switzerland. He has lectured in a variety of subjects, including Strategy, Leadership, Management and Ethics at several universities. His research focuses on Philosophy and Education of business management, he publishes in academic journals such as the Journal of Business Ethics, Philosophy of Management, Journal of Management Development, the Journal of Corporate Ownership & Control and others.



