Institute for Culture and Societyparticipation in activities at other centers and universities (July and August 2022)
ICS researchers and internal collaborators participated online and in person in activities organized by institutions in Brazil, Germany, Japan, India, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Spain, the United Kingdom, the United States and the United Kingdom.
05 | 09 | 2022
ATLANTES Global Observatory of Palliative Care
Ana Paula Salas attended the course 'From academia to society: the knowledge dissemination of knowledge, theory and internship', organized by the Menéndez Pelayo International University at partnership with The Conversation and the University of Buenos Aires (Santander, Spain, 25-28/7/2022).
Chair Álvaro d'Ors
Mónica García-Salmones attended the international seminar of research 'History, Politics, Law: In Conversation', organized by University College London (London, UK, 14/7/2022).
Creativity and Cultural Heritage
Julia Pavón presented an online oral communication at the SSCLE 10th International Conference 'Crusading Encounters', organized by the Society for the Study of the Crusades and the Latin East (SSCLE) at the University of London (UK, 27/6-1/7/2022). She was also the organizer of the XLVII International Week of Medieval Estella programs of study 'Milites Dei. The military orders: Social fit and religious manifestations'. She took part in the opening and gave a lecture discussion paper with María Bonet Donato, entitled 'The confraternities and associations. Tramas sociales y religiosas en la Corona de Aragón y en el reino de Navarra' (Estella, Spain, 19-22/7/2022). She was also organizer and speaker of the Cycle 'Camino de Santiago', promoted by the committee Navarra European Movement (Elizondo, Spain, 31/8/2022).
Anna Dulska presented an oral communication together with the scientific director , Pablo Pérez López, at the congress of the International Committee of Historical Sciences (ICHS) (Poznam, Poland, 24-26/8/2022).
Emotional culture and identity
Inés Olza was speaker guest of the Institute on Multimodality: Minds, average, and Technology, at research center Interdisciplinary (ZiF), Bielefeld University. She taught the session 'Multimodal Approaches to Oral Corpora' and was part of the panel discussion 'Multimodal Rhetoric and Online average Communications' (Bielefeld, Germany, 28-8/2-9/2022).
Public discourse
Melike Akkaraca y Eleonora Esposito presented two online oral communications at the 9th congress of Critical Approaches to Discourse Analysis Across Disciplines (CADAAD), organized by the University of Bergamo and Birmingham City University. The former spoke on 'Interdiscursivity of Emotions in the Articulations of Historical Narratives in Turkish Political Discourse' and the latter on 'Intersecting Hostilities around the European Migration Crisis: The Case of Carola Rackete and the Sea-Watch'. In addition, Esposito co-organized with Angela Zottola the panel 'Intersecting Inequalities: Towards a Critical Discursive Approach' (Bergamo, Italy, 6-8/7/2022).
Melike Akkaraca gave an oral communication at the panel 'Populism in Europe' of the 28th International Conference of Europeanists, held at high school University of Lisbon. It was entitled 'Bold-hearted Masculinism and Mega-projects: The Courageous and the Cowards in Populist Antienvironmentalist Discourse in Turkey Single Paper' (Lisbon, Portugal, 29/6-1/7/2022).
Eleonora Esposito participated in the meeting 'Building a shared diary on the evidence base for Gender-Based Online Harassment and Abuse', organized by Wilton Park Agency (UK, 17-19/8/2022).
Sarali Gintsburg presented an online oral communication at the workshop 'Dictionary of the 21st Century Culture', organized by Jawaharlal Nehru University. He spoke on the role of Arabic neologisms in a contemporary world culture (New Delhi, India, 7/26/2022).
Education of Affectivity and Human Sexuality
Maria Calatrava y Arantza Albertos participated in the EARA 2022 European Association of Research on Adolescence Conference - Diverse and Digital. The first presented the papers 'Parental Styles and Differentiation of the Self: Their Influence on Substance Use' and 'Parental supervision, sexting, and pornography use among adolescents from Spanish-speaking countries'. The second presented 'Beliefs associated with adolescent dating violence in Spanish-speaking countries: gender stereotypes, justification of violence, and religiosity' and 'Profile of technology problematic use of information and communication technologies in early adolescents in rural areas from Navarra' (Dublin, Ireland, 24-28/8/2022).
Martiño Rodríguez gave an oral presentation at the 53rd Annual International Conference of the Society for Psychotherapy Research. He presented the work 'The Efficacy of Emotionally Focused Couple Therapy Provided Via Teletherapy with Spanish-Speaking Couples' (Rodriguez-Gonzalez, M., Anderson, S., Andrade, D., Calatrava, M., & Timulak, L.) (Denver, USA, 6-9/7/2022).
In that country he also attended research meetings with Lisa Klewicki, director of doctoral program at Divine Mercy University (Washington, USA 11-12/7/2022).
Silvia Carlos gave an oral communication at the XL meeting Annual Meeting of the Spanish Society of Epidemiology (SEE): 'Challenges of the 21st century: environment, climate change and social inequalities'. He presented 'Paid sex among people attending HIV Voluntary Counseling and Testing in Kinshasa: data from OKAPI cohort' (San Sebastian, Spain, 30/8-2/9/2022).
Youth in transition
Aurelio Fernández attended the course 'Modeling the Dynamics of Intensive Longitudinal Data', organized by the University of Utrecht (The Netherlands, 15-19/8/2022).
Ana Cecilia Serrano y Aurelio Fernández attended the International Association Relationship Research Virtual Conference online (28/7-2/8/2022). She moderated the session 'Social networks and support' and presented the paper 'Family Concerns And Relational Commitment Of Spanish Emerging Adults'.
Mind-Brain Group
José Ignacio Murillo, Javier Bernácer y Javier Sánchez Cañizares participated in the summer course 'Anthropological Confines of Neuroscience', organized by the seminar Permanent 'Nature and Freedom' of the University of Seville and the Tatiana Pérez de Guzmán el Bueno Foundation. They gave lectures on Charles Scott Sherrington, William James and Karl Friston, respectively (Avila, Spain, 12-13/7/2022).
José Ignacio Murillo, Javier Bernácer, Francisco Güell and Javier Sánchez Cañizares participated in the course 'The brain and its environment. An integrative view of the Anatomy and brain functioning', organized by the Menéndez Pelayo University and the Tatiana Pérez de Guzmán El Bueno Foundation. Javier Bernácer, co-director of the course, moderated the round tables 'Does the brain use language?' and 'Is an integrative perspective on the brain possible?' and also participated in the round table 'Should neuroscientists be concerned about the mind-brain problem?'. Francisco Güell intervened in the roundtable 'La unidad del sistema nervioso en development y su afectación patológica' (Santander, Spain, 25-29/7/2022).
José Manuel Muñoz gave the lecture 'Neuroderechos y autonomía: de la libertad de pensamiento a la libertad de pensar', invited by the Federal University of Minas Gerais (Belo Horizonte, Brazil, 20/7/2022).
Navarra Center for International Development
Miguel Ángel Borrella participated online in the 2022 Asian Meeting of the Econometric Society in East and South-East Asia. His discussion paper was entitled 'Market competition and the adoption of clean technology: evidence from the cab industry' (Tokyo, Japan, 8-10/8/2022).