Paul Andrew (Harvard): "In this climate of misinformation and polarization, we have to be willing to stand up for our values and reach for the truth."
Harvard University's Vice President for Communications spoke at congress on University Reputation as part of the International Reputation Week held at the University's campus in Madrid.
10 | 10 | 2023
"Communication in universities must evolve. In this climate of misinformation and polarization, we have to be willing to face complex environments to defend our values and reach the truth". This was stated by Harvard's Vice President for Communication, Paul Andrew, during the opening of congress University Reputation, the second part of the International Reputation Week. The event is being held at campus of the University of Navarra in Madrid, jointly organized by the University of Navarra and Corporate Excellence-Centre for Reputation Leadership.
Andrew stressed that if trust in universities is to be further increased, it is necessary to address different audiences with proactive communication: "The university is there to educate, train leaders and provide a quality research , but we cannot hide in our ivory tower and forget that there are people out there who have needs".
On the other hand, he listed the qualities of communication professionals in universities. "We have to be strategists: break down barriers within the organization by giving voice to the values of the institution in a transversal way; collaborate with other institutions to share good practices; and act as catalysts for change, as our work evolves rapidly."
Under the degree scroll Reputación universitaria: identidad, gobierno, stakeholders y entorno, the inaugural workshop was also attended by Rosa Visiedo, vice-president of CRUE; and Alfonso Sánchez-Tabernero, from the Center for University Governance and Reputation and President University of Navarra (2012-2022).
Universities engaged in a global environment
During the congress, academics and professionals are discussing new trends and the relevance in higher Education centers of values such as reputation, quality, transparency, service; and the commitment of universities to society. "Today we can talk about the concept of 'multiversity'. Universities live in open and global environments that demand multiple commitments: their performance is compared in worldwide rankings; they offer a comprehensive Education that goes beyond the limits of classroom and extends the student's life cycle; they transfer their innovation and knowledge to companies; and they contribute to society by finding solutions to real problems," said Santiago Fernández-Gubieda, from the University of Navarra and co-organizer of congress.
The speakers agreed that reputation has become an intangible value with many tangible consequences. "A good university reputation makes it possible to attract the talent of students and researchers, a strong sense of belonging among its academic staff, the linkage and recommendation of alumni, positioning in international networks and greater possibilities for fundraising," said Fernández-Gubieda. "In final, reputation represents the intangible heritage that ensures the sustainability of our universities in the long term deadline".
For the expert from the University of Navarra, "reputation is not achieved only with image campaigns or marketing strategies. It is a concept of a different nature, which integrates multiple factors: a clear purpose that inspires all our work, the quality of our activities, the university experience, leadership and good governance, two-way communication to all audiences, the linking of a community to the needs of its environment".