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Carole Robinson, professor at the University of British Columbia (Canada), joins the ICS ATLANTES Program team in February.

She will be one of the speakers in the course 'Data collection within qualitative research methodologies', which will be held from the 26th to the 28th of this month.

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PHOTO: Carlota Cortés
06/02/15 14:36 ICS

Carole RobinsonAssociate Professor of Nursing at the University of British Columbia (Canada), will join the ATLANTES team as a visiting researcher during February. ATLANTES Program Program team at Institute for Culture and Society (ICS).

The expert will be one of the speakers in the course 'Data collection within qualitative research methodologieswhich is organized by ATLANTES together with the Unit of Medical Education of the School of Medicine. The program aims, first of all, to promote the knowledge of the qualitative research and the development of the necessary skills for the collection of data. It will take place on February 26, 27 and 28, and the deadline of registration ends on February 20.

Professor Robinson's area of research focuses on: palliative care, including advance care planning, end-of-life decisions, and family-provided care; effective relational internship with families, managing chronic illness; family interventions to prevent or manage chronic illness involving limitation; reflective internship ; and palliative care in rural and remote settings. 



