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The University holds a course at update on digital techniques for journalists.

The workshop, to be held at Civican, will include three sessions on research journalism on the Internet, SEO for journalists, and tablets as tool informative.

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Ramón Salaverría. PHOTO: Manuel Castells
06/05/14 12:38 Álvaro Pérez Arieta

The School of Communication of the University of Navarra, in partnership with the Caja Navarra Foundation, organizes this coming Saturday May 10 a workshop on digital techniques for journalists. This course update, to be held in the morning at Civican, is open to all subject information professionals interested in expanding their digital skills.

The digital techniques workshop will include three practical sessions with different experts: Ramón Salaverría, professor at School, will focus on advanced journalistic research on the Internet; Adrián Segovia, manager digital of the newspaper As, will talk about SEO for journalists; and Ana Ormaechea, expert in tablets and journalistic formats for these devices, will analyze the future of these for the sector.

The event is free of charge, but seating is limited, so please confirm attendance by sending an e-mail to


10.30 - 10.40 h. presentation

Mónica Herrerodean of the School of Communication of the University of Navarra

10.40 - 11.30 a.m. research advanced journalism on the Internet

Practical tips for the professional use of search engines, photo backgrounds and instructions from data on the Internet.

Ramón Salaverría, Senior Associate Professor of Journalism - University of Navarra

11.30 - 12.20 h. SEO for journalists

Tools, techniques and skills to create content that can be distributed by the main search engines, both on the web and from mobile devices.

RSS feeds

Adrián SegoviaChief Digital Officer at the sports newspaper "As".

12.20 - 12.40 h. Coffee break.

12.40 - 13.30 h. Tablets: innovation trends and publishing models.

Analysis of publications for tablets and future trends in journalistic information for this subject of mobile devices.

Ana Ormaecheafounding partner of Tablet Army and Tab Innovation



