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Food stocks can help mitigate the impact of food price volatility in poor regions

Randall Romero-Aguilar, professor at the University of Costa Rica and Economist at committee Central American Monetary, presented a study at the Navarra Center for International Development of the ICS.

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Randall Romero-Aguilar
06/11/17 12:37 David Soler

Randall Romero-Aguilar, professor at the University of Costa Rica and economist at the Central American Monetarycommittee , presented at the University of Navarra his study 'Food Security for Whom? The effectiveness of food reserves in poor countries at development'. The seminar was organized by the Navarra Center for International Development (NCID) of the Institute for Culture and Society (ICS).

In his research, Romero-Aguilar has analyzed how food reserves can mitigate the impact of price volatilization in the poorest regions. Romero-Aguilar has studied the example of Haiti, where the government used this strategy in 2011, building a reservation that can store up to 35,000 tons of wheat.

The expert introduces a theoreticalmodel to quantify the results of this policy. He states that the policy is very sensitive to parameters such as the cost of storage, initial supply and the price of wheat. And he argues that, depending on these factors, this policy could be improved by others that would combat poverty in the long term deadline.



