Luis Ravina and Luis A. Gil-Alaña, appointed as members of the committee publishing house of two scientific journals on sociology, development and Economics
Both are members of the project Navarra Center for International Development of the ICS.
Luis Ravina, director of the Navarra Center for International Development (NCID) of the Institute for Culture and Societyand Luis A. Gil-Alaña, researcher of the NCID and professor of the School of Economicshave been appointed to the editorial boards of two sociology journals, development and Economics.
Luis Ravina, Full Professor of Economics International, is the member representing the European Union at Sociology of Development, an international journal that published its first Issue in March 2015. The publication focuses on topics related to development, such as policy-oriented research , inequality, poverty and sustainability among others. The journal is published by University of California Press.
Luis A. Gil-Alaña, Full Professor of Econometrics, has been appointed member of committee publishing house of International Economicswhich belongs to the publishing house Elsevier. The journal focuses its attention on topics of the area of applied international Economics , such as international trade, economic development and migrations. Luis A. Gil-Alaña combines his dedication to the ICS with his work professor and research at School of Economics.