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Federico Suárez, Full Professor , passed away.

He was the first Dean of the School of Philosophy and Letters of the University of Navarra.

07/01/05 17:34

Federico Suárez Verdeguer, a priest of Opus Dei and well-known historian, died in Madrid at the age of 87. Chaplain of the House of H.M. the King since 1975, the King and Queen of Spain, accompanied by the Infanta Cristina, visited the mortuary chapel, installed at his home, and prayed before his mortal remains.

The King and Queen and the Infanta recalled with emotion the years they shared, and evoked their spiritual refinement, capacity for committee and deep friendship.

Federico Suárez requested the Admissions Office in Opus Dei in 1940 and was ordained a priest in 1948. He manifested his faith in works of service to the Church, as he had learned from St. Josemaría Escrivá, to whom he always professed a singular veneration and a deep filial affection. He is also the author of many books on spirituality, translated into various languages.

research and training of historians

Full Professor Suárez was later the first Dean of the School of Philosophy and Letters of the University of Navarra.

A specialist in the 19th century, he is the author of numerous monographs. The result of his dedication to research and training of historians is the Historical Collection of the University of Navarra, with more than 40 volumes.



