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GRISO-University of Navarra co-organizes the International congress "Church, culture and society in the XVI-XVII centuries".

It was recently held in Voroneț, Romania.

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Jesús M. Usunáriz, Carlos Mata Induráin, Oana Sâmbrian (Romanian Academy), Juan Manuel Escudero and Víctor García Ruiz. PHOTO: Courtesy
07/05/15 16:16 Carlos Mata Induráin

In Voroneț (Romania) took place the International congress "Biserică, cultură și societate în secolele XVI-XVII / Church, culture and society in the XVI-XVII centuries" (VI International Aurean Colloquia), co-organized by the Romanian Academy (high school of Social Sciences and Humanities, Craiova) and the group de research Siglo de Oro(GRISO) of the University of Navarra, in partnership with the high school de programs of study Hispánicos en la Modernidad (IEHM) of the Universitat de les Illes Balears, the research BITAE Team of the Universidad de La Rioja, the group de research Calderón (GIC) of the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela and the high school de programs of study Auriseculares(IDEA). The meeting has been coordinated by Dr. Oana Andreia Sâmbrian and Dr. Carlos Mata Induráin.

The program of the congress included a total of 21 papers, corresponding to professors and researchers from Spain, Italy, Portugal and Romania. In addition to its international character, the meeting stood out for the approach multidisciplinary of the papers presented, which were from different fields such as Philology, Sociology of Literature, History, Philosophy, Theology or Art History. The University of Navarra was represented by three GRISO researchers: Juan Manuel Escudero, with the discussion paper "Sacralizaciones artísticas en los autos sacramentales de Lope. The case of The Bridge of the World"; Carlos Mata Induráin, who analyzed the "Structures rhetorical and allegorical in Las Cortes de la Muerte, auto sacramental by Lope de Vega"; and Jesús M. Usunáriz, with his work "Spanish miracles and public art during the Thirty Years' War"); and also by Professor Víctor García Ruiz, from department , who disserted on "Teresa Teresa de Vega". PhilologyThe lecture was entitled "Teresa de Jesús y Eduardo Marquina: Iglesia y patria en los siglos XVI y XX" (Teresa of Jesus and Eduardo Marquina: Church and homeland in the 16th and 20th centuries).

The academic sessions of congress were completed with a visit to the monastery of Voroneț, built by Stephen the Great at the end of the 15th century. Its church of St. George, with the spectacular frescoes decorating its exterior, is one of the churches in the Romanian region of Moldavia considered a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

It should be noted that this is the third congress that GRISO co-organizes in Romania with the Romanian Academy (high school of Social Sciences and Humanities, Craiova). The previous two were the Internationalcongress "The voice of Clio: instruments and representations of power in the Baroque historical comedy", held at the Brukenthal Museum in Sibiu in October 2011; and the Internationalcongress "Under the sign of Mercury: cities, spatiality and travel from the Age average to the 20th century", which took place at the Babes Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca in November 2013.



