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Back to 20020607Un profesor de la Universidad de Navarra afirma que "la clave de la economía actual reside en el temple moral del directivo"

A University professor states that "the core topic of today's Economics lies in the moral mettle of the manager".

Alejo José G. Sison is one of the authors of the book 'Tras la euforia. guide ética para directivos en la nueva Economics'.

07/06/02 19:06

According to Alejo José G. Sison, professor at the University of Navarra, "the core topic of today's Economics lies in the moral mettle of the manager. He needs courage to change what needs to be changed, patience to accept what cannot be reformed and wisdom to distinguish between the two status".

Alejo José G. Sison has published, together with Joan Fontrodona (also a professor at the University of Navarra) and Iñaki Vélaz (professor at the International University of Catalonia), the book Tras la euforia. guide ética para directivos en la nueva Economics.

This book, published by Pearson Education and included in the Financial Times/Prentice Hall collection, analyzes "what lies behind the new Economics, behind the euphoria of the crazy years of e-business, and what lessons can be learned from this kind of collective madness in which we have been involved during the first steps of the Economics on-line", explains Alejo José G. Sison.

Its most interesting contribution lies in the emphasis the authors place on the analysis of ethical aspects within the new Economics. "Today, more than ever, there is a need for good sense to put everything in its place and value it in its right measure: that is the contribution of ethics", emphasizes this author.

Coping with the globalized labor market

In this sense, he explains that "technology, that is, the Internet, is nothing more than a means: it serves both good and evil, depending on the purpose for which each Username uses it. Moreover, it has never solved essentially human problems. For the expert, "in principle, the introduction of new technologies leads to a spectacular increase in production. But it is very difficult to measure in the service sector, where we work with knowledge".

He also wonders whether the new Economics originates or destroys employment. "It only creates well-paying jobs - albeit with little security or stability - for highly skilled people. The rest will have to deal with the globalized labor market."

According to this professor at the University of Navarra, Tras la euforia. guide ética para directivos en la nueva Economics is presented as "a very useful book for those who have to deal with commercial and financial aspects, as well as those related to management of operations and staff, with a vision of General Administration within the pyramid of business management".

Alejo José G. Sison, PhD in Philosophy, is professor of Ethics and HR Management at the University of Navarra and secretary of and Humanism of this academic center; Joan Fontrodona, in Business Management and Ph.D. at the University of Navarra and secretary of high school business and Humanism at this academic center; Joan Fontrodona, Master's Degree in Business Management and Ph.D. at Philosophy, is professor of Business Ethics at IESE and secretary of Ethics, Economics and Management at EBEN Spain; Iñaki Vélaz, graduate at Philosophy and Ph.D. in Business Administration, is professor of Business Organization at the International University of Catalonia.



