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The 21st century will be the century of flexibility in the business

IESE of the University of Navarra hosted the Continuous Education Program Session in Madrid and Barcelona

28/10/10 13:55
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The IESE Business School of the University of Navarra organized the Continuous Education Program session "Remuneration and Management: Towards Greater Flexibility" in Madrid and Barcelona, in which professors Nuria Chinchilla and Mireia Las Heras presented the main conclusions of several programs of study that IESE's International Center work and Family (ICWF), Mercer and Edenred have carried out throughout the year.

The research has yielded interesting data on the flexibility measures that companies have introduced in their compensation policies during 2008 and 2009. "In times of crisis like the current one, companies have opted for flexibility," explained Professor Las Heras. Many companies have opted to offer their employees medical, life or accident insurance, pension plans, luncheon vouchers or the possibility of working from home. The case of teleworking is especially significant, having doubled in the last two years. "There are sectors that are particularly committed to this flexible measure that allows the reconciliation of work and family life, as in the services, finance and insurance sector, where this measure subject has increased from 9% to 23%".

Flexible forms of compensation build loyalty at employee and increase job satisfaction. "A flexible environment facilitates employee commitment and performance, reduces absenteeism and financial aid improves results," concluded Professor Las Heras.

Nuria Chinchilla, director of the ICWF, recalled that companies that promote this flexibility are considered "high professional growth and family-responsible" companies. "In this way," she added, "the work also enriches the family. The employee feels that the organization is committed to him and, his Degree of commitment to the work increases, helping to improve the performance of the business".



