The University announces the award Ernestina de Champourcin to promote women's studies.
The award seeks to recognize works that provide original knowledge on relevant female figures in the contemporary world.
08 | 03 | 2021
Coinciding with the International Women's Day, the group of research in Recent History (GIHRE) of the School of Philosophy and Letters of the University of Navarratogether with the network WINN of the Institute for Culture and Society (ICS), announces the award Ernestina de Champourcin.
The goal of award, which has been awarded for the past eight editions, is to reward works that provide original knowledge on relevant female figures of the contemporary world, as well as those that delve into the contributions made by women to current civilization and culture.
Papers must be of academic and scientific content, unpublished and with a length of more than 12,000 words. Final papers of Master's Degree or thesis defended in the same year or the year prior to the call of award will be accepted.
Those interested can submit their proposals until April 30, 2021 and opt for the award, endowed with 1000 euros. Likewise, the winning work could be published in the Ernestina de Champourcin Collection, of the publishing house EUNSA. The jury, composed of four university professors, will make the decision public on the GIHRE website.
Ernestina de Champourcin (Vitoria, 1905) spent her childhood in Madrid, where she began to write poetry. She married the poet Juan José Domenchina, secretary of President Manuel Azaña during the war. A disciple of Juan Ramón Jiménez, she was linked by style and friendship to the poets of the Generation of '27. Her work was recognized with the award Euskadi de Poesía, the award Mujer Progresista and the Medal of Artistic Merit of the City Council of Madrid.
More information and instructions of the contest