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New issue of 'Scripta Theologica', journal of the School of Theology

Highlights an analysis by Joseph H. H. Weiler on the crucifix in classrooms, accompanied by his intervention before the European Court of Human Rights.

08/05/12 11:14
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Scripta Theologica, the journal of the School of Theology of the University of Navarra, has published the first issue of Issue 44.

The magazine contains the following programs of study: 'El Himnario del official document Hispano', by Félix María Arocena, and 'La procesión del Espíritu Santo en Gregorio de Nisa', by Miguel Brugarolas.

The Notes section also includes the following works: 'From significance to meaning', by José Luis Illanes; 'The decline of appreciation for human life: cultural keys', by Juan José Pérez-Soba; 'La Education para la ciudadanía en las escuelas públicas y en los centros con statement of core values cristiano', by María Elósegui; 'Las raíces franciscanas de la Economics de mercado y de la "Cáritas in veritate". Ambivalences and possibilities', by Luigino Bruni; 'The media and religion in the context of the new evangelization', by Francisco J. Pérez-Latre; and 'The Crucifix in the classroom: freedom of religion and freedom from religion', by Joseph H. H. Weiler -honorary doctor by the University of Navarra-, an analysis that is accompanied by the text of the author's oral intervention before the European Court of Human Rights, on behalf of several member countries.

In addition, this new issue offers several book reviews, as well as reviews of Philosophy, history, Sacred Scripture, fundamental and dogmatic theology, and moral and spiritual theology.

From the date of its appearance in 1969, Scripta Theologica has made a significant contribution to the development of theology through the writings of its numerous collaborators. Its presence in the heart of the university has always facilitated interdisciplinary dialogue with the great areas of human knowledge .



