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Prof. Iniesta, IESE's new director in Madrid

08/09/10 15:08
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Francisco Iniesta, IESE's new director in Madrid. PHOTO: on loan

The President of the University of Navarra, Angel J. Gómez Montoro, has appointed Prof. Francisco Iniesta as the new director of IESE in Madrid, replacing Prof. Juan José Toribio.

Francisco Iniesta is a professor at IESE's department Marketing, graduate in Law, MBA from IESE and PhD in Business Administration from Boston University. Since joining the University's Business School in 1990, he has developed courses and written numerous articles, case studies and technical notes in the areas of distribution channels, development and new product introduction and commercial strategy control. In these fields he has done extensive consulting work for Spanish and international companies.

At IESE, he has served as position of director of the Global Executive MBA program (2000 - 2003) and the MBA program (2003 - 2006). Since 2006, he has been an associate director at IESE in Madrid and a member of IESE's committee .

position Prof. Iniesta replaces Prof. Juan José Toribio, who has been director at IESE in Madrid since 2000. Juan José Toribio has been a professor at IESE's Economics and, among other positions, Director Executive Director of the International Monetary Fund. Prof. Toribio will continue to teach at IESE as Professor Emeritus, will continue his work as president of the International Center for Financial research (CIIF) and has been appointed director of the IESE Foundation.



