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Franz Heukamp, IESE's new General Director director

Prof. Heukamp has been board member of IESE's Management committee at position of the MBA programs since 2012 and previously served as the School's General Counsel at administrative office .

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Prof. Franz Heukamp, IESE's new director . PHOTO: Courtesy
22/06/16 15:17

committee Prof. Franz Heukamp has been appointed the new director general of IESE, the business school of the University of Navarra, by President, Alfonso Sánchez-Tabernero, following a series of consultations with IESE's board of directors, professors, professionals and alumni . Prof. Heukamp will take up his position at position on September 1.

In his letter, the University of Navarra's President expressed the University's gratitude to the current director general, Jordi Canals, "for the time in which he has so ably directed IESE, because in these fifteen years the world has changed a lot and IESE has changed with it.

Franz Heukamp (Cologne, Germany, 1973) is currently Professor of Decision Analysis and board member of IESE's committee of Management at position of the MBA programs. graduate in Engineering from Technische Universität München (Germany) and École des Ponts et Chaussées (France), and doctorate at MIT - Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA), Prof. Heukamp is fluent in Spanish, as well as four other languages (German, English, French and Dutch).

She joined IESE's faculty in 2002 and has been board member of committee since 2012. He previously served as the school's administrative office General Manager (2009-2012). As manager of the MBA programs, Heukamp led the launch of the Executive MBA in Sao Paulo and the New York chapter of the Global Executive MBA in 2014. He has also introduced notable innovations to the programs' curricula and increased the issue student body to 1,300 students from 75 countries in the MBA programs.

His specialization program professor focuses on decision analysis and prediction methods and his area of research is the study of decision-making behavior with a special interest in neuroeconomics.

Heukamp expressed his satisfaction with the appointment in order to continue with the bequest of previous directors general: "My wish is that IESE will continue to fulfill its mission statement service to society in general and to the world of business in particular, with a work professor, innovative and creative that responds to the challenges of our century.

Franz Heukamp takes the helm at IESE, an institution that has spread around the world, multiplying the issue programs it offers on four continents. In the last five years, IESE has been ranked first in the world three times in training and second twice, according to the Financial Times ranking.

Among the school's recent milestones are the expansion of campus in Madrid (2004), the new campus Norte in Barcelona (2007), IESE's new headquarters in New York (2010), ISE's development and headquarters in Sao Paulo (2011) and the inauguration of campus in Munich (2015). And we have continued to collaborate in the development of new business schools in Latin America and Africa. Thus, the MBA now welcomes more than 85% of foreign students; the Executive MBA is now taught in Barcelona, Sao Paulo and New York, in addition to Madrid, where it was born; and the programs for international executives have spread around the world.



