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The University pays tribute to Dr. Emilio Quintanilla

For 26 years he directed the department Dermatology Department of the University Clinic.

08/11/02 17:09

The University paid tribute to the professor and dermatologist Emilio Quintanilla. The event was attended by professors Mª Pilar Civeira (dean of the School of Medicine), Martín Mihm,(Harvard University, USA), Francisco Camacho (Full Professor of Dermatology at the University of Seville) and Javier Álvarez-Cienfuegos (University of Navarra).

Emilio Quintanilla Gutiérrez was born in source de Cantos (Badajoz) on October 24, 1932. He studied Medicine at the University of Seville, where he obtained the doctorate and began his specialization in the field to which he has dedicated his professional life: dermatology.

After several years in the Andalusian capital, Dr. Quintanilla moved to Pamplona (1974) as a professor at the School of Medicine of the University of Navarra and consultant of dermatology at the University Clinicdepartment which he directed for 26 years.

His extensive scientific work is reflected in his publications: 17 book chapters, 104 papers in national journals and 58 in international journals; 301 communications in national congresses and 89 in international congresses. He has also given lectures in Spain and Latin America and has been vice-president of the Spanish Academy of Dermatology. He recently received the Encomienda de Alfonso X el Sabio in recognition of his professional career. Professor Emilio Quintanilla is married to Manuela Martínez and they have six children.


With the strength to continue

Dr. Quintanilla gave an interview to Diario de Navarra on the occasion of his homage, in which he explained that he did not feel like retiring because he has "enough desire and capacity to continue": "Now I will work as Honorary Professor, I will be able to give classes and I will have publication responsibilities, but I will miss the contact with the patients". About 50,000 patients have passed through his hands, although he affirms that "the important thing is not the issue, but the difficulty, getting patients with complex problems through".



