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The University collects more than 1,700 kilos of clothes and food in the Christmas Campaign.

1,754 toys and 658 school supplies have also been distributed to various associations.

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One of the collection points of the Christmas Campaign. PHOTO: Manuel Castells
09/01/17 16:11 Lucía Martínez Alcalde

Tantaka, the Solidarity Time Bank of the University of Navarra, has collected 1,711 kilos of clothes and food, 1,754 toys, 658 units of school supplies as well as 100 feminine hygiene and beauty products during the Christmas Campaign.

The clothes and toys were distributed through Cáritas Parroquial and association Madre Coraje to different parishes in Pamplona. The food was delivered to the residency program of Hermanitas de los Pobres and to needy families in Cuba.

These also received school supplies, one of the new requests for the 2016 Campaign along with the Beauty for Refugees initiative, which obtained 100 hygiene and beauty products for women in refugee camps.

The Christmas Campaign had the support and advice of the University's School of Architecture University, which promotes the project Tantaka Design, through which a group of students from Degree in design financial aid to ensure that the solidarity campaigns have an attractive aesthetic content. For their part, Leroy Merlin and Renolit donated the Materials (containers, bags, etc.) for the collection points in different buildings of the academic center.

The distribution to the needy groups was made possible thanks to volunteers from the Belagua, Aldaz and Albaizar halls of residence, the Lantegi and Quinto Real youth associations, as well as private volunteers.



