Students from School of Architecture design the costumes for a show at the Conservatory of Music.
The musical-theatrical play 'Shakespeare in Tune' premiered on May 2 at the Conservatory of Music.

PhotoAnaBelén Poza/The 12 students of Degree in design and professors of the School of Architecture of the University of Navarra who participated in the project of creation of the costumes for the musical-theatrical show 'Shakespeare in Tune'.
09 | 05 | 2024
On May 2, the curtain was opened on the stage of the Conservatory of Music of Navarra. The actors paraded with the costumes created by the 12 students of the 3rd year of the accredited specialization in Fashion from the Degree at design. Since January of this year, the students have been working on a project of the subjects of Taller de design IV and laboratory de Creación to finally see their designs materialize in the premiere of the show multidisciplinary 'Shakespeare in Tune'.
With financial aid of teachers of the School of Architecture, the students managed to develop a concept according to the play.Ananda Pascual, one of the teachers involved, praises the work done by the students: ''The teachers who have participated in this very special training are very happy and satisfied, we believe that it has been very well resolved and very nice and that they are going to enjoy a result that they themselves did not expect''. "It has been a complex project and the great challenge was to combine all the training with the order of an external institution'', adds the teacher.
For most of the students of Degree at design, the most complicated part of project was to get agreement among all of them to get a unified concept. But at the same time, it was one of the most fun parts,'' says one of them, Irene Sánchez de Muniain. Milena Sánchez, another of the students, said: ''What I liked the most was to put our ideas together and join the different styles to achieve a common thread''.
Inés Alonso and Patricia Artaso, also students of accredited specialization in Fashion, agree on how important it has been for them to be able to work on a project that had a purpose outside the workshop and with real actors. It is very gratifying to see them putting on my costumes, looking beautiful, comfortable and feeling inside the role. At final, it's very satisfying that we can somehow help them do their workbetter,'' says Inés. ''We've learned a lot about what it's like to work with a limited budget , a real client and the changes that all this entails,'' Patricia adds.
Leyre Lisarri, professor at the Conservatorio Superior de Música de Navarra, explained how this experience has been lived from outside the School: ''I think it has been very enriching for both parties. It is always very interesting to see the different perspectives that exist when working on the same artistic product''. There are designs that have surprised us a lot for the better, there are very imaginative proposals. In addition, it must be taken into account that there are garments that are shared by several people with different sizes, so you have to take into account all that this entails when adjusting the wardrobe,'' says the Conservatory teacher.
Participants of the project
Dozens of people participated in this collaborative project between the Conservatorio Superior de Música de Navarra and the School of Architecture:
School of Architecture
Students of the 3rd year of Degree in design of the accredited specialization in Fashion who have developed the costumes: Milena Sánchez, Elixabet Botanz, Martha Lamadrid, Patricia Callahan, Irene Sánchez de Muniain, Patricia Artaso, María Colino, María José Fernández, Belén Villacorta, Inés Alonso, Inés de Uña and Sofía Cavestany.
Teachers from the School of Architecture who have participated in the project:
- subject design VI Workshop (accredited specialization en Moda): Ananda Pascual, Irene Zugaza, Maider Isturiz and María Villanueva. partnership Workshop: María Abad, Ilazki Martirena and María Noguera.
- subject laboratory of Creation: Javier Martín.
- manager from accredited specialization in Fashion: Lala Herrero.
Conservatory of Music of Navarra
Original idea of the play: Leyre Lisarri and Mercedes Castaño.
Composition and arrangements (jazz): Andoni Arcillay Teresa Zabalza.
classroom of Performing Arts Skills: Alma Belloso, Salvador Fenollar, Joel Delgado, Unai Villabona, Amaia Turumbay, Ania Olivares, Óscar López, Jokin Barriola, Maider Zubizarreta, Erika Mensat, José Gallego, Ainhoa Rollán, Antón Gómez, John Hernández, Alberto Ruiz,María Kachatryan, Luis Manuel Sánchez, Raquel Pascual, Daniel Rois, Mario López, Rubén Salinas, Adrián Latorre, Millán San Martín, María Yan González and Paula Delgado.
Classical and jazz performance students: Petrica Aryton and Imanol Gamboa (baritones), Ana Lucía Navarro, Miriam Sánchez, Alba Pérez and María Yan González (piano), Ignacio Esteban (guitar/lute), Joan Marzal, Inés Carlos and Lucía Arias (percussion), Pablo Garijo, Óscar López, Álvaro Fernández and Daniel Miguel (jazz saxophone) and Elena Vidal (jazz vocals).