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Back to 2014_06_09_ICS_En muchos países de África el nivel educativo ha mejorado pero no se ajusta a las necesidades del mundo laboral

"In many African countries the level educational has improved but does not match the needs of the world of work."

According to Marion Jansen of the International Trade Center, one of the barriers to Africa's entry into trade flows is lack of information.

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PHOTO: Carlota Cortés
09/06/14 14:04 Carlota Cortés

"In many African countries, especially in North Africa, there is a mismatch between the educational system and what the world of work demands. Despite increased investment in Education and the level of investment, employers are not finding people to fill skilled jobs. This is what Marion Jansen, chief economist at the International Trade Center, said at the University of Navarra. International Trade Center. The expert took part in the III Development Week, an international congress on poverty and development organized by the Navarra Center for International Development of Institute for Culture and Society (ICS).

According to Jansen, this mismatch - which international organizations call skills mismatch - leads to high unemployment and, with it, social tensions.

In her presentation, Marion Jansen explained that in an increasingly globalized world where there are more trade relations and financial flows, it is essential for a country to be connected. "The data shows that Africa is less connected than Latin America or Asia to the outside world, and that regional integration within Africa has advanced less than in other regions." In order to increase this integration, trade barriers must be lowered, which would bring benefits to both sides, and for this to happen, there must be three fundamental pillars: the improvement of industry, product diversification and the increase of labor skills.

What to sell abroad and how to do it

agreement According to the economist, one of the biggest barriers to getting Africa into these trade flows is the lack of information: "Producers in countries at development often don't know what they can sell abroad or how to do it. Precisely, at the International Trade Center we work to provide information to institutions and organizations, which are responsible for making it available to companies".

Jansen explained that in the 1990s Africa's foreign trade was basically focused on Europe, but gradually this trend has been changing and now there are many trade flows with Asia. "We also note in the analysis that many of the African products exported to Asia are raw materials," he said, "However, trade within Africa and to Europe is more linked to already processed products, so we see a move up the global value chain.

Experts from universities and institutions in the USA, Great Britain, Austria, Switzerland, Kenya, Nigeria and Spain debated the future of Africa at the University of Navarra during the III Development Week, which was held at degree scroll Africa: a Promising Future.

During the week, guest speakers presented research on topics such as innovation in companies in countries at development, inclusive economic growth, elimination of inequalities, financial stability and migration.



