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The University, third in Europe at teaching, according to Times Higher Education

The academic center is placed on the podium of excellence along with Oxford and Cambridge.

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Students of the School of Law in a class given by the Dean, Jorge Noval. PHOTO: Manuel Castells
09/07/19 12:28 Maria Salanova

The University of Navarra is third in Europe in quality of teaching according to the latest Times Higher Education (THE) ranking. The academic center rises five positions compared to 2018 and is placed on the podium of excellence in quality of teaching. The top two are the University of Oxford and Cambridge University.

"THE Europe Teaching Rankings 2019" collects information from interviews with more than 125,000 university students from 18 European countries on topics related to their experience at Education higher education.

The ranking measures the institution's commitment to its students, the ability to teach classes, the promotion of critical thinking and interaction with professors. It also evaluates opportunities to develop skills that help in the degree program professional.

It also takes into account the quality of the institution's services, the environment of teaching and access to learning materials. The mobility of Erasmus + students and the proportion of international students are other relevant elements in the study.

"THE Europe Teaching Rankings 2019" includes institutions offering officially recognized courses and programs (degrees from Degree and programs Master's Degree or equivalent) and with at least 3,000 students enrolled.

The President of the University of Navarra, Alfonso Sánchez-Tabernero, has expressed his satisfaction and gratitude to the professors and students of the University of Navarra for being the true protagonists of this ranking. "This result reflects the reality of a great work of the University's professors and employees, who have made it possible for the student experience at the University of Navarra to be enriching, relevant and memorable."

"On the other hand, I am convinced that the quality of a university depends on the quality of its students. They are the ones who will have a transforming role in society, to make this world a more sustainable and supportive place," he said. "We are happy to contribute to placing Navarra in the top international positions in university quality," he concluded.

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