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meeting in Tecnun with the partners of project of research MoReDigital 

The project of industrial digitalization is led by the researcher of department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials, Gorka Sánchez.

FotoTecnun/El researcher de Tecnun Gorka Sánchez together with the rest of the partners of project.

09 | 10 | 2024

Last Wednesday, October 2nd, took place in Tecnun a meeting of the project MoReDigital, led by the researcher of the department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials of Tecnun, Gorka Sánchez.

Industrial companies are currently approaching the digitization of their products using tools that rely almost exclusively on methodologies based on the collection and extensive analysis of data. As an alternative to these, as pointed out by researcher, Gorka Sánchez, this project investigates "new methodologies to develop reduced models of industrial processes (tools) based on the physics that governs them". In addition, methodologies will be investigated to enable these models to be integrated into digital twins.

The meeting was attended by researchers from the UPV/EHU, Mondragon Unibertsitatea, as well as from the technology centers and companies Ceit, Ikerlan, CAF research and development, Ormazabal Corporate Technology (OCT). In addition, the consortium also counts with the participation of the Basque Artificial Intelligence Center (BAIC), which is in charge of the dissemination of project and of facilitating the technology transfer of the results of project to the companies.



