Institute for Culture and SocietyParticipation in activities in other centers and universities (December 2022)
ICS researchers and internal collaborators participated online and in person in activities organized by institutions in Spain, Finland, Italy and Lithuania.
10 | 01 | 2023
ATLANTES Global Observatory of Palliative Care
Carlos Centeno Cortés attended as speaker invited to the congress organized by the Suomen palliatiivisen lääketieteen yhdistys to give two lectures: 'Palliative sedation at the end of life: medicine's response to intolerable suffering. A clinical approach' and 'Comprehensive palliative care intervention in patients with advanced kidney disease'. (Helsinki, Finland, 8-10/12/2022).
Public discourse
Dámaso Izquierdo Alegría she realized a research stay in the high school of foreign languages. Thanks to the scholarship of mobility Erasmus + from training at Vytautas Magnus University (Kaunas, Lithuania, 2/12/2022).
Javier Sánchez Cañizares attended the VI seminar Interdisciplinary Science, Technology and Religion "Healing and Salvation. Scientific, philosophical and religious visions of well-being, health and salvation". Event organized by the Chair Hana and Francisco José Ayala of Science, Technology and Religion. (El Escorial, Spain, 1-2/12/2022).
Religion and Civil Society
Álvaro Fernández de Córdova collaborated as guest speaker at the Convegno Internazionale di Studi 1622 organized by the Istituto di storia dell'Europa mediterranea del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (Cnr-Isem)-Istituto Nazionale di Studi Romani (INSR), Spanish School of History and Archaeology in Rome-CSIC (EEHAR-CSIC). He offered the discussion paper "Regal charisma and papal universalism: Roman resonances of the oceanic expansion of Ferdinand the Catholic". (Rome, Italy, 30/11-2/12/2022).