The University of Navarra pays tribute to Professor Rafael Alvira
The Full Professor emeritus of Philosophy was remembered at an in memoriam ceremony attended by more than a hundred people.

The School of Philosophy and Letters of the University of Navarra has celebrated a ceremony in report Professor Rafael Alvira, Full Professor emeritus of Philosophy, who passed away in February 2024. More than a hundred people gathered to remember his academic, intellectual and humanbequest , in a ceremony presided by the president of the academic center, María Iraburu.
Raquel Lázaro, professor of Philosophy and disciple of the honoree, opened the event with a portrait in which she highlighted his intellectual depth and his vocation as a professor: "He was a cultivated man who knew how to go down to the foundations of things. As he pointed out, his ability to connect Philosophy with everyday life and with areas such as government, business and work was constant: "He tried to embody what he taught. His friends and disciples numbered in the thousands, from politicians and jurists to students, neighbors and farmers". In addition, among other milestones, he recalled his role as core topic in the foundation of the Institute of business and Humanism, of which he was vice-president and director until his retirement.
In his speech, the philosopher José Luis González-Quirós underlined the closeness and independence of thought of Professor Alvira: "He was not a thematic philosopher, but a specialist in generalities, which allowed him to influence areas beyond Philosophy". He also emphasized that his Philosophy, far from being abstract, was rooted in everyday life, "a thought of easy appearance, but that he knew how to relate in a very skillful way with the most difficult ideas". For his part, the writer and Full Professor José María Beneyto recalled his ethical and political vision: "He defended an ethic rooted in family and community life, as opposed to contemporary individualism. His thought leads us to a profoundly ethical existential internship and to a reflection based on love and the wisdom of the heart".
During the tribute, Professor Alfredo Cruz presented the last book of the honoree, "Un apunte de Philosophy política. El dogma democrático", published posthumously; a work in which Alvira reflects on democracy as the fruit of citizens' commitment to the common good and in which he degree scroll the ethical, social and spiritual challenges of our time. In this sense, according to Professor Cruz, "Rafael Alvira was neither a utopian nor a nostalgic, but a thinker who always sought a critical and balanced view of democracy" and that his thought "is not only a lucid intellectual exercise, but an invitation full of strength to live with the greatness of soul that is necessary to be a generous teacher, faithful friend and enthusiastic servant of the university institution".
After the projection of a video showing images of his academic career at the University of Navarra, the ceremony concluded with a few words from the president, María Iraburu, who highlighted his "youthfulness of spirit" and his insistence on love as the path to truth: "His thought is an invitation to live with greatness of soul, with generosity and loyalty to the university institution".