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International nursing apprenticeship at the University

77 professors and students from universities in the United States and Europe participate in a new edition of the Nursing Summer School at School de Enfermería.

FotoManuelCastells/Participants in the Nursing Summer School 2024 at School Nursing.

10 | 05 | 2024

The School Nursing School has held a new edition of the Nursing Summer School, a program aimed at international students from universities around the world, with which the academic center has relations with partnership. Specifically, this year 77 students and professors from the following centers participated: University of Pennsylvania, North Carolina University at Chapel Hill, University of Illinois at Chicago, Indiana University (USA), Birmingham City University (UK) and the School Nursing School of the University of Navarra.  

"One of the main objectives of this program is to generate an international and intercultural learning environment for undergraduate nursing students, while providing them with knowledge and skills to provide nursing care with a holistic view of individuals, families and the community, in any context and society," explains Clara Cabrera, manager of the organization of the Nursing Summer School at School. In this sense, Cabrera has highlighted the participation in this edition of first level centers, such as the University of Pennsylvania or Chicago. "The Nursing Summer School allows us to share and get to know other ways of studying nursing, as well as to show Navarra and our culture to these international students". 

The academic program included sessions on different aspects of nursing, such as the difference between the health systems of each country, the role of universities as health promotion centers, the presence of nursing in the media, the role of the nurse in the face of climate change and natural disasters or the work of the advanced internship nurse in the USA. Other practical activities were carried out in clinical scenarios such as the Simulation Center of School Nursing.

work This new edition had the support and dedication of Jesús Martín, coordinator of the International Nursing Program, and the professors and researchers of the School Nursing Department of the university. Also participating in the program were Dominick Osipowicz and Daniel Naveiro, from the University of Pennsylvania; Gwyneth Milbrath, from the University of Illinois and Sheryl King, professor at the University of Birmingham.

To get to know the culture and gastronomy of Navarre

Along with the academic program, the students and teachers visited Pamplona -they visited the bullfighting ring place and toured the historic center-, the royal palace of Olite, a winery in San Martín de Unx, the monastery of Leyre and the Foz de Lumbier. They also traveled to San Sebastian. 

"Coming to Spain is an incredible experience for my students. It is a real educational immersion. We experience and explore the culture and the Spanish way of being; we also have the opportunity to learn about, compare and contrast our healthcare system with theirs. It's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and we are very lucky to be able to participate in it," says Dominick Osipowicz, a professor at the University of Pennsylvania. Lydia Salmi, a student at Indiana University, agrees with the professor. "It has been very interesting to learn about the differences in healthcare systems between the United States and Europe. With this program we learn methodologies that we can then apply to apply or improve the system in the United States; I also value the opportunity to get to know Pamplona. I think it is a quiet city; the gastronomy stands out and the people are very nice".



