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data The Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Institute (DATAI) and IESE Business School are strengthening their partnership partnership in research


Researchers from both centers have met at campus in Pamplona with the goal to strengthen the joint work within their lines of research. This workshop of work seeks to enhance the partnership between researchers of these centers and opens new possibilities to continue finding common ground.

The event brought together IESE professionals along with members of DATAI and other centers and Schools of the University with the purpose to explore the intersections between AI and management business. Topics covered in the workshop included AI in professional development and decision making, improving efficiency with advanced AI techniques and tools, frontiers of predictive analytics and statistical modeling in AI, and AI applications and imaging.

The IESE speakers who presented their research were Sampsa Samila, who addressed the impact of major structural shocks such as automation and import skill on political participation in U.S. federal elections. Enric Junqué de Fortuny, who delved into the use of digital tools in harvesting and data analysis, highlighting the importance of the complementarity between humans and technology in the process; and Johannes Müller-Trede, who presented his research on the different types of errors made by humans and machines and how these influence our confidence in decision-making.

On behalf of DATAI, Jesús López Fidalgo, Rubén Armañanzas, Juan Carlos Gamero and Mabel Morales participated. workshop As associate members of the Institute,Diego Borro and Saioa Arrizabalaga from Ceit, Mikel Hernáez from Cima, Francis Planes and Ángel Rubio from Tecnun and Raúl Cruz Hidalgo from School of Sciences also took part in the meeting.

Jesús López Fidalgo, director of DATAI, shared his impressions at the conclusion of the event: "I would like to express the hope that fruitful collaborations will develop between the participants and others from their centers who could not be present. This event has been a significant milestone in the history of our institute."

More information about the workshop



