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The School of Pharmacy has 9 new Ph.

In total, more than 470 thesis have been defended in the 50 years of the academic center.

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Alberto Pérez Mediavilla, Associate Dean of Alumni of the School of Pharmacy, and Iciar Astiasarán, Vice President of research (second and third from the right), together with the invested doctors.
PHOTO: Manuel Castells
10/06/14 09:04 Miriam Salcedo

Last Friday 6th, the University of Navarra invested its new PhDs. From June 2013 to June 2014, 152 researchers have defended their thesis of which 7 are from Pharmacy and 2 from Human Nutrition and Dietetics. These works add to the long research trajectory of the School of Pharmacy that, in its 50 years of history, has awarded this recognition to more than 470 researchers.

In the words of President Alfonso Sánchez-Tabernero, with the doctorate the university "submission the highest Degree it can grant". A recognition that carries with it the commitment and responsibility, according to Professor Sánchez-Tabernero, "to be authentic teachers who seek the truth and the transmission of the university ideal.""The training and wisdom are not improvised: they require time and patience," he told the attendees.

This year's protagonists are doctors Alfredo Gea Sánchez, Luis Esteban Hernández Soto, Beatriz Lasa Saracíbar, Iziar Amaia Ludwig Sanz Orrio, María Matoses Osborne, Zinnia Patricia Parra Guillén, María Teresa Simón Yarza, Patricia López Legarrea and Ana María Gómez Úriz, the last two from Human Nutrition and Dietetics.

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